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The fire in my room crackles and sparks. I splay my hands over the flames, letting them tickle my fingertips before I pull them away.

The young demon boy was nice enough to light the fire for me. I'm not allowed matches so he had to do it for me. I had tried to probe him with questions while he was here but he simply shook his head at me. There are no exits out of this place, he told me, you either leave with Crowley or you leave in a body bag. I kept quiet after that and he left soon after. That was hours ago and I haven't heard a footstep since. I've just sat by the fire and considered my survival rate if I were to burn this place to ashes.

I lean against the armchair the boy also brought in for me. The warmth makes my eyes droop sleepily. I drift off to sleep.

I am in a clearing. The grass tickles my feet and the sun shines down on my face. I look around. Where am I? What is this place?

Hello, Aderyn Lunette.

I spin around. A man stands in front of me. His eyes are blue, so blue they feel accusing. The frown on his ruffled face makes it feel even more so. He looks me up and down.

Who are you? What are you doing in my dream?

He shakes his head at me.

I'm here to tell you something, something you need to know. He takes a step towards me. A slight breeze flutters his long trenchcoat. What a strange person to visit my dream.

You need to get out of here, you need to run as far away from this place as possible. Something is brewing, something is coming for you, and it isn't good.

I shake my head, confused, what do you mean? Who are you?

The man spins around. I have to go, his blue eyes widen, time is of the essence, you need to run.

When I open my eyes, Crowley sits in front of me. He sits in a matching armchair to mine, his long legs are crossed, and there is another drink in his hand. He looks down at me, "I forget you humans have to sleep. A pity really, the things I could spend a night doing to you,"

I sit up and brush my hair out of my eyes. "Why are you in here?"

He sips at his drink. "Well, I do own the place," I frown, "I want to ask you a few more questions. And then I'll leave you alone, "

I sit back against the chair. The fire still has a little bit of life in it. It sparks at me as if warning me. But there is nothing I can do, I cannot tell the King of Hell to get out of this room, he owns it. He owns me.

He clicks his fingers and a wine glass appears beside me. I look at it before looking at Crowley, "I don't drink," I say.

Crowley smiles slowly, "It's just wine love, it'll help with that nervous human heart of yours, "

I pick the glass up and bring it to my nose. My face scrunches up in disgust. It smells foul. I see Crowley observing me so I straighten my shoulders, throw back my head and gulp the wine down.

"Argh!" I exclaim, shaking my head to get the taste out of my mouth. However, when my throat stops burning, I'm left with a warm, tingly feeling that rushes throughout my body. It feels nice. I feel myself relax, the fear seeping out of my muscles.

"Perfect," Crowley murmurs, "How do you feel?"

I wiggle my fingers.

"I feel fine," I say and lean back into my chair. I turn to Crowley, "Now, what are your questions? If they are about Sam and Dean, then don't bother asking, I don't know anything useful about them. Not that I would tell you anyway."

"How old are you?"

I'm taken aback by the question. How old am I? That's what he wants to know. My head spins and I take another sip of my drink.

"I'm twenty in a few weeks," I say.

Crowley's eyebrows raise, "You are so young,"

"I don't feel young," I admit and blush from my brashness. Why am I telling him this?

He mulls over my answer, "How long have you been hunting for?"

"I've known about monsters my entire life," I say, "But I have been hunting them since your people killed my father,"

The words come out sharp and terse, as I intended them to. Before my newfound confidence leaves me, I chug the rest of the wine. I need it. If he is going to bring up my family then I need the strength. Especially when he frowns at me and sits forward in his chair. The fire crackles back to life.

"My people?" Crowley repeats slowly.

I meet his stare with my own unflinching one, "Yes, your demons snapped his neck. I was twelve. I saw their eyes and they were black, just like yours are,"

Crowley sits back in his chair, swirls his wine, and sighs, "I am sorry Aderyn, I admit that I don't have all of my little minions on a leash. I am sorry for your loss, truly,"

I look down at my glass. My head is spinning and I don't know if it's from the wine or from the emotions Crowley is rousing. I am sick of these questions. The pity in his eyes is enough to make the wine want to come back up. Sam can pity me all he likes, but this demon? I don't care for the way he looks at me.

I clamber to my feet and the room takes a dive. I grab onto the armchair to keep myself steady.

"I want you to leave now," I say to Crowley, and point at the door.

He gets to his feet. The wine glasses disappear in a wisp of wind, another one of his powers.

He stalks toward me, a hunter prowling toward his prey. The fire roars behind him. His eyes are black. Oh no, he is furious. He reaches up and pulls the red tie off from around his neck. He stretches it out in his hands, watching me as he does.

"You should watch your tone with me, sweetheart," Crowley warns, his tone slow and laced with anger.

I scowl, "You think you can come in here with your ridiculous questions, thinking I'm going to answer them like a foolish little human," I shove him but he doesn't budge, "You can fuck right off back to whatever whore you just finished with,"

"You've got a very naughty mouth Aderyn," Crowley whispers with a tut, another warning. But I am intoxicated and exhausted and furious. I want to hurt him.

"You want to know what I know about the Winchester brothers?" I whisper, "I know how good they taste. I know how good they are in bed, how their skin feels under mine, what they sound like as they- "

Before I can finish, he grabs me. His lips are pulled back into a snarl. He wraps his tie around my wrists before he shoves me back onto the bed. I scream and clamber away from him but he is faster. He pins my arms above my head and straddles me in place with his legs.

He kisses me again, pulling back my bottom lip so hard that I can feel it bleed. He moves down my neck, biting and kissing. I struggle in his grip, trying to scream, but his hand replaces his lips and covers my mouth.

He bites and sucks on my neck so hard that I know there will be a mark tomorrow. He brings his lips back up to mine and I am so dizzy, I don't protest. His lips are rough, so unlike Sam's soft ones.

"Sam," I murmur as the feelings and emotions overwhelm me.

But it isn't Sam but Crowley that pulls away from me. He looks down at me and I can't read his expression. He rips the tie from my wrists and sits up from the bed. He gets to his feet and straightens his suit.

Before I can say anything, Crowley disappears. As soon as he's gone, the room plunges into darkness and I'm left alone with the memory of what just happened and the guilt that follows.

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