ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ: ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ

644 14 0

A day passes before I feel strong enough to move. I hobble over and sit by the fire. Soaking in the comforting warmth, I slowly lift up my shirt to see the damage. I flinch. Wide bandages have been wrapped carefully around my stomach and chest, covering my wounds. I sit back against the armchair with a sigh. 

My mother wouldn't be very proud of me if she saw me now. This isn't the first time I've gotten hurt in a hunt, despite my rigorous training, so I know she would scold me if she were here. But she's not. Instead, Crowley scolded me. Why did he bother? We mean nothing to each other. We're just two opposing halves in a deal. And yet, he is always watching me, his eyes soft as though there is more to the deal that I am aware of.

I sigh again.

My body aches for sleep. However, just as I am dosing off, there is a soft rapt on my bedroom door.

Gingerly, I get to my feet. I open the door and smile as I'm greeted by the young demon boy. At least it's not Crowley. I've had enough of him - of his stares and his witty words.

The young demon beams at me, "You're awake miss! How are you feeling?"

I lean against the doorframe. I smile through my wincing as I gesture to my body, "I feel wonderful, although I'm famished, when is dinner being brought to my room?"

He gives me a half-smile. His eyes are wary and tense as he says, "Actually, the King has requested your presence at dinner tonight,"

I sink in defeat. I cross my arms in defiance as I look down at the boy, "Tell Crowley I want to eat in my room, I'm feeling weak again,"

"Sorry Miss, but he insisted. He's waiting for you in his personal chambers,"

"Personal chambers?" I exclaim, and my body screams with pain as I stomp back into my room, "Tell your King that I kindly refuse his offer,"

The young boy doesn't move from the doorway. He shrugs, "Okay Miss, but he won't be happy." And before I can change my mind, the boy vanishes, and the bedroom door shuts with a bang as he goes. 

Nerves rack my body as I sit down on the edge of my bed and wait.

It takes him only a mere second.

Crowley glares down at me. His eyes are black. Slowly,y he draws his mouth into a tight, disapproving line. He is dressed in a black suit and tie. His jacket crinkles as his body ripples with annoyance.

He raises an eyebrow, "You kindly refused the offer of accompanying me to dinner?"

I lift my chin, "Yes, I kindly refuse,"

Crowley tuts.

Before I can scramble away, he grabs me and we disappear into a cloud of darkness. When I blink again, we are on a balcony. The night sky looms above us and the only light comes from candles that flicker on a dining table that has been placed in the middle of the balcony.

Crowley gestures to the table.

"Sit. Eat. Enjoy my wonderful company," he commands. 

My stomach grumbles. Crowley clicks his fingers and an assortment of food appears on the table. Ignoring the romantic setting, I sit and indulge in the alluring, fresh food. Crowley sits across from me. The candlelight glimmers in his black eyes as he observes me.

"I'm glad to see your feeling better," he says.

I chew on a piece of chicken and shrug, "I've had worse injuries,"

Crowley frowns before he shakes his head, clearing his face of emotion. He sits back in his chair. "I've got another job for you," Crowley says, "Tomorrow night, I'm to attend a banquet. It's a yearly event, hosted by the Convent, do you know who they are?"

I know who they are. Every Hunter does. The Convent is the deadliest, largest group of vampires in North America. Despite their nature, they are more civilized than the rest of their kind. They dine on humans that want to be fed, either for the prestige of being around vampires or for the money they are gifted. My mother and I try to avoid the Convent, they are too widespread to defeat.

At the expression on my face, Crowley continues, "To keep up appearances, and to make deals, I am to attend. However, a demon of mine has caught word that some of the vampires want my head on a stake. For what reason, I'm not sure yet," he shrugs, "And so, I need you to accompany me. While I make deals and get drunk, I need you to be my eyes and ears. These events tend to be quite civilized, so you won't have to do anything but look pretty and watch my back,"

Crowley leans on the table. He gives me a smile, so wide that I can see the pointed tips of his teeth, like two deadly fangs. "It'll be a date, okay darling?"

I lower my fork onto my plate. I plaster a glare on my face as I look at him, "I don't have a choice, do I?"

The King of Hell chuckles. He shrugs. "No,"

I go-to reply when a knock comes from the French doors beside us. I turn and look. When I see what, and who, knocked, I gasp.

"Crowley, I'm lonely, come amuse me,"

A woman, not much older than myself, leans on the clear glass of the doors. She's naked, with nothing but her long, black hair covering her chest. She pouts and gestures for Crowley to come inside. It must be his bedroom.

I turn away as a blush spreads across my face. Who is she? Why is she naked?

Crowley clicks his fingers and the table between us disappears, leaving him standing in front of me. He is so close I can smell his scent, musky and rugged. The look in his eyes is wicked as he lifts my chin up toward him.

"Care to join darling? I promise I'll be fair,"

I try to control my body, but I can't help the blush as it spreads like wildfire. I refuse to look him in his eyes. I shake my head, "I want to go back to my room now."

Crowley lets go of my chin with a sigh.

"Such a shame,"

The woman bangs on the glass again. I don't look. Instead, I focus on my hands, at how they shake with nervousness and something else.

"I can get rid of her, if you want," The King of Hell says, his voice as smooth as honey, "It can be just us. I promise I will be gentle with you,"

I try not to gasp. I control my breathing. I look up at him with a plain, calm face.

"Please, take me back to my room," I demand, as I stand from the chair and cross my arms.

Crowley sighs again, "Very well."

With a click of his fingers, I'm back in my room. I slump by the fireplace and try not to imagine him with her, and the wicked things they must be doing. I try to ignore the way he offered to be gentle with me. I ignore the quivering of my legs and the heat between them.

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