ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ-ꜰɪᴠᴇ. ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍɪɴɢ

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Am I dreaming? 

Is this a nightmare? 

His eyes meet mine. They are the same intense blue as in my dreams, staring at me unbashfully, so full of hate. The monster moves so it's standing near Dean. They look at each other with familiarity, a friendship in their eyes. 

My heart picks up speed at an alarming rate. I have never felt fear like this. Who is he? What is he? 

He looks exactly like he did in my dreams. The same brown trench coat, simple suit, short dark hair, and those natural, blue eyes. This is surreal. It doesn't feel real. He is a nightmare—a creature of my worst thoughts. Nightmares aren't supposed to come true.

But he is real, and he is meters away from me.

"You know him?" I whisper. I point to the monster that has corrupted my dreams into nightmares hundreds of times.

Dean shoots me a glare but nods. He shoves the monster forward without warning, so he is closer to me.

"I am Castiel," the Monster says and I step back, "And I am an Angel of the Lord." 

I freeze. Angel? There is no such thing. I have never heard of them existing in all the hunts I've been on and even my mom said Heaven doesn't exist for people like us.

But how did he enter my dreams? And how does he know about me and Crowley?

"What you said to me in my dream," I try to meet his unnerving gaze, "Was that true?" My voice comes out shaky and scared; that is exactly how I feel as I stare into Castiel's cold eyes.

"I'm an angel, Aderyn Lunette, we do not lie," he says firmly, his eyes darting to the ground.  

A hand on my shoulder calms me suddenly, as Crowley turns me towards him. He's frowning as he says, "Addie, what did he tell you? I need to know," Crowley asks, putting his hand over my waist protectively and linking his hand through mine. It is the same movement I did to calm and reassure Sam all those weeks ago. 

"That I was never meant to love you," Castiel glowers at us as I speak, "and that I was supposed to love someone else,"

Crowley laughs.

"Bull shit."

Castiel disappears suddenly and then reappears in front of me.  My eyes widen with shock. I gasp.

"She is coming with us," Castiel growls, glaring at Crowley.

"No, pretty Angel, she is not," Crowley says. He squeezes my hand and I squeeze his back.

"My name is Castiel, Vermin, and I don't see why not. Demons can not love. You can not feel anything at all. That's the way you were created," 

"Well, I guess you're wrong," Crowley says, his arms tense as they grip me defensively. 

I hear a low growl like a dog, but as I look around, I see no animals. But then something brushes my leg and I jump back.

"Hell hounds, pretty Angel, and who will you choose - Aderyn or the Winchesters?" Crowley says, raising an eyebrow and the edges of his lips in an evil grin. His brown eyes, normally easygoing and calm, have gone pitch black.

Fear grips me tightly. The Winchesters are frantically looking around them for the hounds. But they are invisible. 

I yell at Crowley to leave them alone, but he ignores my pleas.

Castiel looks at me, then at the boys. I look at Sam too and when his eyes meet mine; he pumps his gun and mouths out an apology. I shake my head, but he looks away.

That's when I notice Castiel's eyes linger on me.

"Sick 'em, boys." Crowley laughs and clicks his fingers.

I hear scraping sounds ripping against the gravel path and them running at Dean and Sam. Crowley shuts the gates with a flick of his wrist, and my heart drops.

I do not second-think before I run towards Sam and Dean. Crowley calls after me, and I hear a hundred gunshots and cries, but I keep running faster.

It is my fault - all of this.

I shouldn't have gone on this hunt. I should have stayed home and waited for my mother. The bird around my neck swings off my head, but I pump my arms harder.

I'm sorry Sam. I'm sorry Dean. I'm sorry Bobby and Mom. But I am not sorry for the last weeks with Crowley.

I feel movement at my feet, the rough fur of the massive beasts, and I pass them by a millisecond. But that's all I need. I throw myself as a guard over Dean and Sam's bodies. My arms spread out to cover them better.

I scream as the hounds tear at my body to get past me. The pain of their claws digs deep into my body and an exclamation tears out of my throat and into the air.

I see Crowley trying to force them to stop, but they don't obey.

I fall. Blood seeps through my ripped-open dress. I collapse onto the gravel. The tearing stops. The Hell Hounds have finally listened and backed off. But it doesn't matter anymore.

I lay on the hard gravel. Not only blood, but life, seeps out of me slowly. The pain is so intense that it nearly blinds me.

I gasp.


I hear people's voices but I don't listen. I am too busy studying the bright white light that has formed. It is getting bigger and bigger.

"So pretty," I murmur.

I reach out, trying to touch it. It shifts and grows until it is all I can see. I smile as the light engulfs me and a feeling of peace runs through my veins.

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