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As Crowley grips me, I resist the urge to drive my dagger up into his heart. 

But as his lips move away from my mouth and begin trailing softly down my neck, I find myself frozen between his body and the wall, unmoving and shaking with bewilderment. 

He murmurs words against my heated skin. I can't help but blush and turn red from anger and confusion. 

Why can I not push him away? Why can't I stop shaking? Why does my body want this? 

Crowley grips both of my wrists and holds them above my head, forcing my chest to push up against him. As I try but fail to catch my breath, I know that he will be the death of me. How can I face my mother, Sam, and Dean, after I have been kissed by the King of Hell? How can I call myself a hunter when I don't want this to stop? 

Crowley drags his lips slowly back up and places a ghost of a kiss on the corner of my mouth. He pulls away slowly. I open my eyes and he is watching me. His pupils are entirely black, unreadable, and his chest heaves as looks down at me. I turn my head and shut my eyes. I don't want him to see me, to see the emotions that I am trying to hide. 

Soft fingers turn my head. 

"Look at me Aderyn," 

I look at him. 

"You want this?" Crowley asks me. 

I do not know. I do not know what I want. A few weeks ago, it was Sam. And now, I don't trust myself to know. Is this just lust? Or is this feeling in the pit of my stomach something stronger? But he is the King of Hell, he is a monster, how can I be feeling this for someone, something, as cruel as he is? 

"You're a demon," I retort. 

Crowley cocks his head and the corner of his lips tilt upwards in a faint smirk, "So?" 

I tug my wrists free from his grip and push hard against his chest. Although my shove doesn't move him, he takes the hint and steps away, still remaining close enough that I can see him in the darkness. 

"We're sworn enemies, destined to kill or be killed by each other. We shouldn't be doing this," I throw my hands up, "We can't be doing this," 

Crowley scoffs, "I can smell the lust on you, how much you want me even though your mind is trying to tell you otherwise," he takes another step away and settles his dark gaze on me, "We will do this even though it is wrong," 

My body shakes at this revelation. I want to shout at him, deny his claim, but I find myself lost for words. It is as though fate has my lips sealed. 

My voice is weak as I lift my chin and utter the dangerous words I know will rattle Crowley, "I can not help that I am attracted to you but my heart belongs to someone else," 

Crowley's face darkens, "And to whom does your heart belong?" 

"Sam," I declare, "Sam Winchester, it has always been his,"

There is utter silence in the dining room as Crowley pauses. For a moment, my declaration brings me confidence and comfort. Sam is kinder, sweeter, and cares for me. He is who I should be with. 

But then Crowley merely tilts his head at me, his voice eerily soft as he says, "Come find me when you're ready to acknowledge the truth Aderyn." 

I don't lift my head as he disappears. 

A few moments pass before my chest stops heaving. The lights of the dining room flicker as I wipe a hand across my cheeks,  angry at the tears I find streaming from my eyes. 

I need a break from Crowley- a moment of solace from this cursed mansion of his. I need to get as far away from him as I can - from everything that I feel when I am around him. 

It takes me only a second to rush back to my room and change into jeans and a shirt. I pack a bag full of spare clothing and necessities. Once I am ready, I begin to think about my plan. Obviously, I can not just leave through the front door, Crowley presumably has demons stationed at every logical exit. I turn and look at my bed as a thought comes to me. 

I rip the sheets from the bed and begin to make a rope. If I can not leave through a door, then I will have to leave out the window. I make sure to grab the denser blanket from the bed to use for the gate. I move to the large window of my bedroom and peer outside. Although it is dark, I can not see any movement. Perfect. 

I tie one end of the rope to the bedpost and throw the other out the window. Before I can question what I am about to do, I am climbing down the rope. It isn't long enough to reach the ground and so I drop the rest of the way, rolling to soften my fall. 

In the pitch of the night, I can just make out the towering, spiked gate a few meters in front of me. There are still no demons on guard and so I do not hesitate as I sprint toward it. As I reach it, I throw the thicker blanket to cover the spikes. 

I look back at Crowley's mansion. Movement catches my eye. A silhouette stands in the light of my open window. They do not move to stop me but I know they see me. 

I turn back towards the gate and clamber over it without another thought. 

As my feet hit the gravel of the road on the other side, I shudder in relief and fear. I am free. I turn back to the mansion and let out a gasp. The silhouette in the window is gone. 

I turn back to the road and run. 

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