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I pull back from Crowley softly and slowly. My eyes open and I take a shaky breath in. He looks down at me. He looks worried. "Are you alright love?" He whispers. I nod and let out a small laugh.

"Okay. What do you want to do now?" He asks curiously, nuzzling his nose against mine lovingly.

I look around the large indoor garden with wonder and thought. Flowers blossom in every corner my blue eyes dare to look.I have no clue what I want to do now to be honest.

Breathtaking is one word to describe the scenery of flowers though.

Kiss stealing is another to describe the king of my heart that is tight in my embrace.

I smile at him cheerily as I look into his brown eyes, "What do you feel like?"

Crowley tilts his head in that adorable way I love, a sly grin forms on his face, and he turns back to me.

Wide brown eyes are mischievous. Pale lips tilted upward.

He winks.

"You know...it is a nice day today, "He states, "Sunny and warm."

I nod.

"Yes, way to state the obvious Sherlock Holmes."

He frowns-not understanding.


I shake my head. I laugh and poke his stomach like a baby. He swipes my hand away with a hiss like a cat.

"Never mind, what was your idea? Hm?"

He points around at the flowers and the sun rays covering the glass room as if it should be clear. But I have no idea what he means.

He's so old fashioned it wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to have a picnic complete with glass teacups. I'm never going to be found sipping tea.

Crowley laughs out loud.

"Love, if you forgot, I can read your mind." He states.

I slap him on the arm.

I gasp, "And you didn't remind me."

He shrugs innocently, "Oops. "

"Anyway Love," Crowley pulls away to straighten his black suit, "I have a swimming pool if you want to go-"

I raise an eyebrow but let myself smile, "Really?"

Crowley nods and flashes me a grin.

He takes my hand in his surprisingly warm one.

I haven't been swimming since Junior year.

This should be interesting.


He pulls me out of the garden, around the back of it, and to another indoor room. This one is even larger with blacked-out walls to make the room pitch black and with an Olympic sized pool in the middle. Around the inside of the pool are glowing red lights that cause the ripples to dance on the roof.

How classic I mutter to myself.

Crowley clicks and a white beach chair pops out in front of him. I wonder what else he can do.

He clicks again and his suit Is suddenly replaced with a small white tank top and a pair of Hawaiian shorts. They are pink and yellow with flowers on them.

Crowley winks at me before lying down on the chair, he puts his feet up and shuts his eyes.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

He said we were swimming, so what does he think he's doing lying down beside the pool. If I'm going to swim, he is too.

I grin. I know one way that will be sure to convince him to swim with me.

Turning my back towards him, I tug at my white long dress and pull it up over my head. It drops to the ground beside me. I'm now standing in front of the king of hell in nothing but flimsy lace black underwear.

Crowley coughs loudly as I let my black hair fall down beside my hips. My hands run over my flat stomach.

He coughs again, louder, and snorts in an immature way.

"I think someone forgot to mention it wasn't a nudist party on the invite. "He chuckles at his own lame joke.

I shoot him a look over my shoulder, "If you don't come in, I am going to shave off your hair when you sleep."I state. And then I huff before flipping at a precise angle into the heated pool.

I come back up-the warm water rushing off my face-and wink at a gaping Crowley.

"I'm coming in, "He says as he jumps to his feet and gingerly stands at the edge of the pool, "Only because you look beautiful right now Love. "

I watch him slip into the pool.

I tread water in the middle as he slowly doggy paddles over to me. He looks so adorable with his big eyes.

He bobs beside me with a scowl on his face. I tug at his tank top, "Why do you swim in a tank top?"I ask with a tilt of my head. Crowley grumbles and moves a couple of centimetres away from me. I frown.

"Not all of us are blessed with good bodies Love, I took what I could get," Crowley says bluntly.

I swim over to him, "I think you're fine the way you are."

I cup his cheeks and bring his pale wet lips against mine. Fire sparks my bones and hot electricity fills the pool as the kiss intensified. My bare legs wrap around his middle and his arms pull me tight against him.

He tilts his head to the left and whispers into my ear.

"Race you to the end."

I shove him under the dark water and giggle.

He may be the King of Hell and the one man who has managed to take my heart but I am Aderyn Lunette and I am one heck of a competitor.

Let the games begin.

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