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I am stuck in the room for days.

I spend hours pacing around, running my hands along the walls of my gilded cage. I am withering in here. I am going mad.

I find myself thinking about Dean and Sam. I don't think of my mother, she wouldn't be thinking of me. She trusts my actions. She knows she has trained me and that everything I do has reasoning behind it. So, I give my thoughts and time to the Winchesters. In my head, I watch scenarios of them killing Lucifer, each time with different outcomes.

Sometimes I picture myself fighting alongside them. I look sideways at Sam as he nods at me, and I know that I am safe. I close my eyes and it's like I can feel his warmth. His heat and comfort trickle up and between my thighs.

I miss him, I realize over the days. I miss Sam. A part of me aches to see him again. Even though I don't know what I want from him, I still know that part of me is attracted to him. I can't deny that. I am stubborn but when my body reacts the way it did when he fixed my hands, I know what my mind wants.

Even now, the thought of him sends warmth through my body. I look around the room for the hundredth time to get the thoughts out of my head.  

I wish this room had a few books, a television, or anything but a bed, garments, and a fireplace.

This is a new type of torture. 

I haven't heard from Crowley since the other day. I wonder what he spends his time doing. Besides making arrangements with humans and torturing the creatures in Hell, he must come back here occasionally. Why hasn't he come to see me? Why hasn't he ordered me to get on my knees and face torture? To beg for my life?

Instead, I've heard nothing.

The only company I have are the people that bring me food twice a day - always steaming and delicious, and eaten fast. Even then, they only say good evening or good morning before disappearing as soon as my food is placed down on my bedside table.

I need fresh air. I need to run, stretch my body, and hunt something. I am useless and withering away in here.

As I lie here, I imagine all the lives I could be saving.

I think of the families that are hopeful for a savior. I think of the blood and death that could be prevented.

I start to bite down on my lip to keep myself from crying, screaming, or filling with rage. I can taste salt when a sudden thudding on my door stops the tears.

Frowning, I get to my feet. I open the door carefully. It's not dinner time yet. 

"Hello, darling." 

Crowley stands on the other side, grinning like a cat. 

My mouth opens and then shuts. I glare at him.

"Where have you been?" I bark, folding my arms across my chest, heat rising in my throat. I want to scream in frustration. How can he come back and act so innocently after our argument?

"Missed me, have you?" Crowley teases with a wink. 

I open my mouth, ready to defend my hasty words when he roughly pushes me aside with his shoulder and saunters into my room. His dark eyes glide over the mess. He turns back towards me with a bemused look on his face. 

"If you must know, I've been trying to find someone," 

"Who?" I ask.

"His name is James Mortem Bailey. And as it happens, I've just caught wind of his current location, "

I begin to grow nervous. "Why are you telling me this? "

A slow, devious smile spreads over his face, "Well, Aderyn, our disagreement the other day made me realize just how ignorant you are to what it is that I do, "

I scowl, "I'm not ignorant of anything, "

He cuts me off, "Don't think of it as ignorance then. Try to think of it as," he pauses, strokes his stubble, and smirks wide, "As stupidity. Yes, that is much better,"

I decide not to argue and compromise with a slight roll of my eyes. I am not ignorant in knowing that the person grinning in front of me is a monster. 

But aren't you a monster too?  A small voice whispers in the back of my mind. 

I look up from my hands, where my annoyance has me clenching my fingers tightly, to see Crowley has turned away from me and is frowning at my ruffled bedsheets. He clicks his fingers and the sheets are suddenly smooth, the corners tucked in perfectly. Another click and the room is spotless, all the trays and clothing gone. I stumble backward. I don't think I'll ever get used to that.

"I don't want to know what you do, " I say, to break the silence. I move to the bed and readjust the pillows. I mess up the sheets a little until I'm satisfied and even more satisfied at his obvious annoyance. 

Crowley watches me. When I meet his eyes, he gives me a grin that is dripping and drenched with pride and mischief.

I am now nervous.

I start to shake my head as his plan comes together in my mind, as I piece together the significance of James Mortem Bailey and Crowleys sudden visit. He wants my help. He wants to show me how he destroys, how he kills, how he withers innocent people. 

I am stumbling backward, stumbling over my words. "No," I plead, "No, I don't want to,"

"Yes, Aderyn. You are going to accompany me for a delightful expedition." 

Crowley winks. 

And with another click of his fingers, the world goes dark.

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