ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ-ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ. ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ

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"Happy birthday, Aderyn,"

I open my eyes, blurry with sleep. Soft, morning light flutters into the room through a break in the curtains. It is deliciously warm upon my face. 

Yawning, I glance at Crowley's smiling and gentle gaze. I run my hands down his cheek, his stubble rough against my skin. 

"Good morning," I murmur, sitting up slowly. My back clicks as I stretch my arms behind me.

Crowley bends down. Putting his hands on either side of my waist, he kisses me on the forehead. I raise my eyebrows and look at him. He pulls his blankets off me - revealing my half-naked body. Awash in the morning light, I am thankful for the black top that I stole from his closet late last night.

I frown at him as he scans my body and cocks his head sideways with a smile. He bends down swiftly and kisses my thighs, making me shiver and sigh.

"Wait," I heave between tickle-induced giggles, "Why did you wake me up? And why did you make me cold?" I moan and gesture to the blankets he pulled off of me.

"It's your birthday, my darling," he shrugs, big brown eyes wide with a feigned innocence, "And I felt like it." He grins, scanning my body with his devilish eyes once more. I pull the blankets out of his hands and over my head.

"I don't care for birthdays," I moan, "I'm tired."

I feel movement and he slips under the blankets next to me. The morning light makes his outline just visible. I turn fully and face him, resting my head on my hands.

"I got you a gift,"

"Crowley, please say you're lying," I groan, pulling the blankets off our bodies. 

Birthdays were never a celebrated affair after my dad died. Once, my mother stopped at a gas station after a hunt and presented me with a melted cupcake, a pink number thirteen candle shoved half-heartedly in its gooey center. It was my fourteenth birthday. I never mentioned my birthday to her again. 

"I would never lie to you, Aderyn," Crowley murmurs with a smirk before he slides out of bed, only in his red and black boxes with the words little devil on them. His short brown hair is ruffled, and he has a sly look on his face.

"Close your eyes," he orders.

I grimace, nerves making me feel ill, and lean back against his bed pillows. I shut my eyes. After a moment, I feel him lie back beside me.

"Open your eyes."

I open my eyes. Astonishment hits me and I'm silent for a moment. Crowley frowns. He tilts his head. 

"I thought you would like it," he starts, but I cut him off by flinging myself at him. My body pins him to the bed. My long hair falls to one side as I tuck my legs around him. 

"It is too lovely for me," I whisper, leaning in closer. He drapes his arms across my thighs.

"Nothing is too lovely for you," 

"Thank you for this," I say shyly and blush. 

He smiles and pulls me closer to him. I tease his lips by lingering millimeters apart. His arms pull something around my neck and I feel the necklace that he gave me hit my chest. It is pretty. Black and silver, with an emerald bird at the bottom. 

"It's a bird, see?" he explains, picking up the bird and running a finger over it. "If I was a bird, my love, not even then would I fly from you," Crowley whispers before bringing his lips against mine.

He spins me around so it's him trapping me to the bed. I smile as he kisses me again. This time, it's more desperate. He pries open my lips and our tongues meet. His hands lift me and straddle me in his lap.

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