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I stand under the scalding water until the smell of blood has washed down the drain.

Bending down to my knees, the droplets hit my back. They drown out all my thoughts of the banquet, vampires, and Crowley. I stay on the shower floor for what seems like hours. My adrenaline and emotions wear off into a subtle exhaustion.

My body aches as I turn off the shower and climb out. Under the bathroom sink, I find lavender moisturizer. Lathering it onto my body, I breathe in the smell deeply.

Dressing in a pair of soft pajamas I found earlier in the trunk by my bed, I tie back my hair. Feeling calmer and refreshed, all thoughts of vampires and demons out of my mind, I open the door to the bedroom.

The thoughts come scampering back as I pause in displeased surprise.

Crowley sits, wine glass in hand, on the armchair by the fire. His tie has been roughly undone, as has his buttoned shirt, and he looks up at me as I freeze in the doorway.

He frowns.

"You were in there for over an hour,"

I fold my arms across my chest and refuse to move from the doorway.

"I was trying to calm down," I say. "I have just attended a monster banquet after all,"

Crowley purses his lips. He takes a sip from his glass before he looks at me again. His eyes soften as the fire reflects on them. "It might surprise you that I don't say this often, but thank you for what you did Aderyn,"

I raise my eyebrows, "Are you thanking me for the dancing or for decapitating the vampires?"

A slow, devious smile creeps onto Crowley's face. "For both," he says.

I roll my eyes and begin to reply when a sudden, jarring knocking splits the room in two. Crowley's smile disappears as he places his drink down and gets to his feet. I stay by the bathroom, aware that it's not me that has a visitor, as Crowley crosses the room and yanks open the door.

The young demon boy stands there. He shuffles on his feet, a nervous look on his face, and peers up at Crowley.

"What is it, Alistair?" Crowley snaps.

There is a pause before the boy wheezes out, "Vladimir. He's here - waiting for you in the dining room,"

Exhaustion leaves my body, replaced by apprehension. Weary fear. Crowley straightens as he turns to look at me. His eyes flick to black as his soft expression hardens.

"He's here for you," Crowley tells me.

Goosebumps rise along my arms, "Why? What does he want with me?"

"I am not sure, but I can feel it, smell it. I can sense his curiosity in you." His face twists with anger, "And his lust."

There's a slight cough.

Crowley and I look back at Alistair, who shuffles on his feet again before he says, "He also told me to tell you that he didn't want to wait,"

Crowley hums to himself before he spins on his heels to face me. "Get dressed Aderyn and meet me in the hallway, it seems we have a date with the vampire king."

With that, Crowley and Alistair walk out and shut the door behind them, leaving me questioning what is about to happen. Does the vampire want revenge for those I killed? Is that why he is interested in me?

I muster my courage and ignore the fear tickling the back of my neck. Dressing in a simple black dress, I slip my feet into small heels. I brush my hair so it falls past my chest, covering my neck.

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