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We walk back to the mansion. It towers in the darkness. Talking about anything, our wet hair dripping down our backs, we pass through the front doors.

He asks about my life. What I want to be - why a Hunter. Everything from personal information to my favourite colour and my favourite pet.

I ask him questions back too, the same ones he asks me. I learn more about him than anyone had. He doesn't hold back. Sometimes, he leaves things out. But, it was the most he'd ever said to me and I was happy.

The kiss replays in my head as we walk. It had only been a soft touch on the lips. It was romantic, not passionate. It was also exciting. I had kissed people before but with Crowley that single kiss made me want more.

But I couldn't help the gnawing feeling pinching the back of my mind - Sam Winchester. Of course, he would be upset when they came back for me. When he found out what I had been up to.

I knew he had feelings for me. He tried to kiss me once but I had stopped him, and I now know why. I was meant for Crowley. Every time I looked into his eyes it felt good.

We turn a corner. I link my fingers through his and he gives me a cute smile as we turn down an unfamiliar hallway.



"Heads up." I laugh before jumping on his back. He gasps as I wrap my legs and arms around him. I smack his arm playfully.

"Faster!" I laugh.

He groans before racing off down the hall. I scream and hold on tighter to his body. He turns another corner and we both laugh.


We both stop dead in our tracks as two Demons face us, confusion evident on their faces. One of them was Regaen. His black eyes narrow and he brunches up his face in anger and pure disgust.

Crowley drops me off him and I fall on my butt. My long, straight black hair flicking in my face and covering my annoyed eyes.

"Ow," I moan, pushing my hair out of my face.

Crowley straightens up his suit and folds his hands formally behind him, trying to convince the Demons of this false act he had. I laugh out loud as he pulls the loser sign to me behind his back, dropping the act just for a second.

Regaen hisses at me and I put my hand in front of my mouth to stop the laughter that was bursting to come out.

"Carry on." He snaps at them, rocking back and forth on the heels of his shoes.

They look at each other before walking away. Ragean swearing insults about me as he passes. Once they were out of sight and around the hallway corner we both burst out laughing.

Crowley helps me up back on my feet and I lean on him quickly as the laughter starts and soon were both leaning on each other for support. It was a sight I thought I would never see - the king of hell with tears of laughter.


He pushes me against the wall softly. His hands run slowly down the length of my arms before coming back up to cup my face. His brown eyes look into mine and I nod.

I gasp as he kisses me with passion and need. In shock, I bite his lip. Crowley groans and laughs against my lips. He leads me in the darkness over to his bed. Lying down, he doesn't break the kiss.

His hands roam my body and his lips glue back to mine. It is more than magical.

He pulls off his top before starting on my dress. With Demon strength, he pulls it off me and throws it in the fire, "God, your so gorgeous love. " Crowley murmurs against my neck.

A voice in my head screams no at me but I brush it off as Crowley kisses my neck. Something is wrong but I ignore it.


"Sam likes you, you know," Crowley tells me.

I stop drawing circles on the small of Crowleys back as he turns around to look at me. His eyebrows are furrowed. He looks worried.

"Hmm?" I murmur, cuddling closer into his warm body that was wrapped around mine tightly. His arm is wrapped around my waist and I leave little kisses along it.

He runs his fingers through my messy hair and sighs.

"Sam - I felt it when you two were holding hands in my office - remember? I could feel the admiration he felt towards you. " Crowley whispers against my neck.

I open my eyes. Sitting up, holding Crowley's blankets to cover my naked body, I blink at him. He leans back in his bed and looks at me.

"You don't think I like him back do you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes as I look back at him.

"You wouldn't have slept with me if you did darling," Crowley says softly, pulling me back down to lie next to him. He wraps his arms around me. Burying his head in my neck, he kisses my cheek.

"Or maybe it's just because you find me so irresistible. " He whispers. He turns me around and bends over me.

Grinning, I lean up and kiss him straight on the lips. He groans with delight and pulls me closer so I'm leaning against him, his mouth stuck tightly onto mine.

All thoughts of Sam were gone as I fell asleep in the King of Hells arms.

I am running again. The familiar tall trees trapping me in this cage of darkness.

My chest heaves with each breath I try to take. It hurts. Every movement of my body aches and hurts. I don't know if I can go for much longer.

My body was screaming at me to stop - just for a second to catch my breath. But my mind disobeyed and worked my body till I scream out in agony. Even my throat is raw.

Sweat soaks my body like a heavy blanket and my clothes feel like they weigh a ton.

My feet move in uncoordinated movements in the darkness. I take random turns and jumps to avoid things that could be in my way. My bloody and battered hair was heavy against my skull and my mouth hangs open in an attempt to inhale.

Croaky, painful puffs went in and out of my mouth.

My blue eyes are teary and red. I trip, again, and go tumbling to the ground. My arms catch me just as I feel the ground beneath me. Hard gravel twines in between my fingers.

I didn't want to look behind me. I knew it was there. The monster.

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