Chapter 4

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My eyes struggled to open due to the light pouring into the room, after a taking a few moments to adjust I opened them fully taking in the beauty that lay beside me. He was still peacefully asleep, his arm was now sitting across my stomach, I just lay there looking at him, I always thought if I ever met Elvis I would be going crazy but here I am, and his presence doesn't bother me at all, well it does just not in the crazy crazy way it always really has.

It was a good 20 minutes being Elvis began to stir. A smile was on his face before he even opened his eyes to meet mine, “Good morning beautiful” and with that he reached over and planted a light kiss on my lips. “Sleep well?”, I asked, he nodded pulling me closer to him. “Very, how did you sleep?”, he asked stroking my face, “Lets just say that this bed is 10 times better than the one in my hotel”, he laughed and just started to inspect my face with his eyes. It was during this I remember, “God, all my stuff is still in the hotel, Laceys as well”, I moved ready to get up, he pulled me back down, “Don't worry about it doll, I'll sort it for you both”.

We spent the next hour slowly getting up and dressed, I didn't have anything to change into until there was a knock on the door and Red entered with my travel bag I had come down with yesterday. It feels like I have been here for weeks not just under 24 hours. I thanked Red and changed quickly just as Elvis re-entered the bedroom, “You look beautiful Rose”, he smiled as he walked over to me and place his arms round my waist. “Thank you, you don't look half bad yourself”, I say as my hands were running up and down his arms. Before I knew it he had pressed his mouth against mine and our kiss quickly deepened, until he suddenly pulled away, “Mmmm.....if we carry on.....I need to work today”, he said with a smirk. “That's very unfortunate Presley”, I smirked back. “Here I want to give you something”, he removed himself from my touch and went over to his bedside table and returned moments later and handed me a card. “I want you and Lacey to go shopping today, I have press to do and don't want your pretty face getting bored......and I wanna spoil you”. I looked down at the card now in my hands, then back up at him “I don't need money Elvis”, I hand him back the card but he wouldn't take it. “Just accept it Rose, yourself something for me”, he winked and pulled me close to him yet again.

An hour later me and Lacey were walking down Oxford street, Elvis had requested that Red come with us, but I assured him that we would be fine plus I wanted to speak to Lacey as it doesn't even feel like I have seen her since it all kicked off yesterday afternoon. “I can't believe it”, she exclaimed as we took a break and were now sat in a cafe having a coffee. “I know it's crazy, I don't even feel like its happening”, I nod. “Elvis Presley” she says softly just looking at me, I shrug in reply. “It's so weird doesn't feel like Elvis Presley if you get me”. She nods as I continue to speak, “I'm so comfortable around him and I've not even known him 24 hours......its” and before I could finish Lacey finishes it for me “Love”, she smiles. I shake my head “Don't be getting any ideas Lace, a couple of days time I will be a distant memory in his mind and it will be a fond memory for me”. She laughs “I don't think so Rose, after last night......he won't be forgetting you in a long time”. I blush at the memory of last night, I had filled Rose in that morning while briefly, no real details were exposed, “I didn't do anything like that with him, we just kissed.....for a long time” I laughed, and at that moment realising my lips were still sensitive and smooth due to the antics that took place last night. “I can't believe he gave you his card”, she says pulling me out of my daydreams. “I know, I'm not buying a thing......well maybe one thing, I want to get him something to remind him of his trip to London” I say with a smile, Lacey raises an eyebrow up at me “So he remembers you”, she finishes off with a smile. She was right ultimately I didn't want Elvis to forget me but it was inevitable, I heard the stories about Elvis and girls they never seem to end with him falling in love, why should I be any different.

“How was shopping baby?”, Elvis asked as he ran his fingers through my hair. I looked up and smiled, “It was nice”. “Buy anything nice?”, he asked. I nod “Just one thing”, I say as I move from his touch and reach over for the shopping bag that was lay beside the bed. I reached inside and take out the velvet red box and place it between me and Elvis. “It's for you”, I say as we both are still just staring at the object that is keeping us apart. “So the only thing you bought today was for me?”, he asked looking at me now. I nod “I wanted to get you something to remind you of your time in London when you leave”. He smiles and leans over, “I have you to remind me forever of London”, and with a smile I reached over and gently kiss him. “Now stop being a charmer and open your present”, I say with a small laugh to which he replies. I watch anxiously as he opens the present, a wide smile starts to spread across his face as he lifts out the bracelet which is placed in the box. “Let me”, I say as I take the bracelet off him and place it on his wrist, I can feel his eyes on my face and I begin to smile. “You like?”, I ask our smiles bouncing off one another. “I love it”, he smiles even more and kisses me yet again. The kiss again deepens, as he moves on top of me my hands are trailing his body when he suddenly moves and looks down at me which pain etched on his face, “I have to tell you something.........”.

You're my English Rose - Elvis PresleyWhere stories live. Discover now