Chapter 5

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“What?”, I ask as I move from under him and sit up against the headboard. He looks at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes, “It doesn't matter”, he said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. I reached over and took his hand in mine, “Tell me Elvis”. “You'll find out soon enough”, and with that he kissed my cheek, jumped off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. I followed suit but instead of going into the bathroom I left the hotel room and made my way over to Reds room where I knew Lacey was. “Lacey”, I shouted softly while knocking at the door, after a few moments Red answered with a smile. “Rose, what a pleasure......everything alright?”, he asked looking at me intensely. I nod, “Yeah, I just wanted to speak to Lacey if that's ok?”. He answered that question with a smile and opened up his door for me to walk in, “She's in the bedroom, go straight through.....I'll leave you girls to it”, and with that he disappeared out the hotel room.

I knock on the bedroom door before I enter, “Hey”, I say as I noticed Lacey sat on the bed reading a magazine, she smiled as she looked up. “Hey you”, she jumps off the bed and engulfs me in a hug. “Everything ok?”, she asks holding me at arms length looking at me up and down. I move myself from her touch and sit down on the bed, “Yeah everything's fine, just wanted to see you for a-bit”.

“Surely Elvis is better company”, she laughs, I shrug “He's alright”, I laugh back. We spoke for about 15 minutes before we were interrupted with a knock on the door and in came Elvis and Red. “Are we disturbing you beautiful ladies?”, Elvis asked as he walked on over, our eyes meet and he gives me a wink. “Not at all, we were only talking about you”, Lacey replied. “All good, I hope”, he says with a smirk looking at me. I shrug “Parts”. With that he puts him arm around me and pulls me close to him, he kisses the top of my head before he begins to speak again, “If you wouldn't mind Lacey, I would like to steal Rose from you this evening and take her for dinner”. Lacey's face light up and she smiles, “Of course, don't let me keep you both”.

“I know I said I'd take you for dinner, but I was hoping eating in here would be ok, as we won't get disturbed in here”, he says with a smile as we work back into his hotel room. “Here would be great”.I say with a smile as I reach up only slightly and press my lips to his. Elvis had a dress bought up for me to wear to dinner, I was about to slip in on but just before I decided to take a look in the mirror checking my make-up and hair haven't gone astray. Staring at my reflection, my long light brown hair was now partly up with a few strands hanging down my face, my blue eyes defined by the black eye-liner and mascara I was wearing. I picked up a light pink lipstick that was on the side and apply a light layer of that onto my full lips, before I unzipped the dress back and slipped into the dress. The dress was a dark green colour with a short hemline and long sleeves, the sleeves made the dressed as they flared out with complimented the tight fit of the body of the dress. With one last look in the mirror I made my way into the living area of the hotel room, to find Elvis already in there fiddling with the record player that was placed on the shelf.

He must have heard the door click open, as he turned round just as I was shutting the door. Nothing was said we seemed to just stand there and take each other in, before he broke the silence between us, “You look so beautiful”, he says softly before he walks over and places a soft kiss on my lips. “Shall we?”, he says as he motions towards the table that was placed in the middle of the room with two chairs beside it and a single red rose placed in the middle. “It reminded me of you”, he says as he notices that I am looking at the rose. “I wonder why”, I say with a smile. We ate dinner while talking more about ourselves and learning what we like and don't like.

“Today's gone too fast”, I say as I'm lay on his chest. He kisses the top of my hair, “We'll have plenty more days like this don't you worry”, I lean up and look down at him, “I hope so” and with that our lips meet yet again.

I couldn't sleep that night as I lay next to Elvis, as this could be the last night that he is lay beside me, it could be the last night that I see him, the thought of that brought tears to my eyes. Is it possible to feel so attached to someone you have just met, I wasn't sure what the answer was and that was the problem. I would never forget this time, I would never forget how kind and soft Elvis really is. Everything happens for a reason, I just want to know right now what the reason for all this was, I hope it was a good reason, I really do.

“Morning beautiful”, I hear as my eyes opened, I must have fell asleep at some point as I look up now Elvis is looking down at me, I couldn't help but smile. “You look pretty”, I smile, he starts to laugh and kisses my forehead, “You're cute”. I sigh as he takes me into his arms and we just lie there relishing every moment before the inevitable comes.

“I'm taking you”, he says as he's hugging me, I pull back, “To the station?”. He nods and kisses me, “I need to see you till the last minute”. I just pulled him back to me, I didn't want to let go......why didn't they make men like him in the UK. I already knew the answer to that though, there was only one Elvis Presley and even at that point, I knew that there would never be a man that would measure up to him.

We sat in the car hand in hand, as close as we could be it was like we were the only ones in the car, when in reality Red and Lacey were with us. Soon enough we pulled up outside the train station, neither of us moved, I didn't feel like I could physically move it would be too painful. Red made the move for us, as he opened up the car door and him and Lacey got out. I moved and put my hand on his leg, “Thank you”, I whisper, he turns with a smile on his face his eyes were full of happiness with a mixture of sadness. He holds my hands in his, “We'll see each other soon, I promise” and with that he turns to the side of him and pulls out the red rose that sat between us at dinner last night. “This is for you, it's my promise to you”. I literally couldn't speak, tears were building up in my eyes, all I could do was reach over and feel his lips against mine possibly for the last time. We kissed for a long while, until we were rudely interrupted by Red, “The train is gonna leave Elvis”. We pulled away hearing Red but our eyes were still only focused on each other. “I best go”, I move and move out the car, Elvis is right behind me when we join Lacey and Red who are hugging. He takes my hands again, plants a soft kiss on them and leans in towards my ear and whispers, “You're my English Rose, always remember that”, and with a finally kiss and a hug goodbye to both Elvis and Red, me and Lacey made our way to our train back to reality. Just as we were entering the station, a car horn sounded which caused me to turn back towards the car where Elvis was still sat. There he was, the window was down his smile beaming in-line with the sun, I couldn't help but smile back, as he waved to me I waved back and with that he held up a camera and took a picture. I shook my head and laugh, and with a wink and a smile he was gone again. I hoped he was only gone for a short while, but I had prepared myself for never seeing him again although the thought made me feel sick........Please let me be with him again, I silently prayed as I watched him drive off.

You're my English Rose - Elvis PresleyWhere stories live. Discover now