Chapter 6

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Being back at home felt weird, my time with Elvis felt so long ago when in reality I had seen him this morning. He would be on his flight back to Memphis now, I wonder if he'll remember me that was what worried me the most. It was crazy how someone I had just met now played such an important part in my life, I guess this was the pull that Elvis had he was magnetic, he could have anyone he wanted. I just hope it's me.

After I had arrived home, my mum, dad and sister sat me down and wanted to hear all about my time with Elvis, they could hardly believe it, but neither could I yet. A couple of friends rang up wanting to hear about it all, I kept it brief I didn't feel comfortable telling everyone everything about my private time with him.

My body felt empty as I lay down in my room, nothing has changed in here but I feel completely different. I lost myself in my daydreams until my mum suddenly appeared in my room with the biggest smile on her face, I sat up as I watched her speak, “Rose, you have a phone call”. “Who is it?” I asked as I began to move. She didn't reply just urged me to move faster, my heart started racing, could it be who I think it is.

I picked up the phone, took a deep breath and said “Hello”, and with that the familiar voice appeared at the other end of the phone which managed to take my breath away and make me smile like never before at the same time, “Hey baby”.

Me: Elvis

Elvis: You sound like your smiling

Me: (smiling) you know me well already

Elvis: I haven't stopped thinking about you

Me: I haven't stopped thinking about you either, when did you get back?

Elvis: I've literally just landed baby

Me: Thank you

Elvis: What for?

Me: Just everything

Elvis: I should be thanking you, ya know I never thought an English girl would do this to me

Me: And what exactly have I done to you?

Elvis: (soft laugh) oh baby you wanna see

Me: (laughing) I hope its pretty

Elvis: I'll sort it out for you (laughing)

Me: You best had (laughing)

Elvis: Can I ask you something Rose?

Me: Yeah sure

Elvis: Will you come to Graceland?

Me: What? Really?

Elvis: Of course baby, I need to see you

Me: I would love to, but.....

Elvis: Don't worry about anything, I'll sort it all

Me: Elvis you can't....

Elvis: I want to see you, so I'll make anything happen for you

My conversation with Elvis lasted over an hour and a half, he had to leave when he got interrupted with work, it felt as though I had known him for years, I can't imagine not knowing him now. I floated back upstairs to bed and lay down no longer feeling empty, but suddenly full of love and hope. A phone call however simple it may be, means more than you could ever imagine, I was on his mind and he will forever be on mine.

You're my English Rose - Elvis PresleyWhere stories live. Discover now