Chapter 1

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“So we definitely got tickets?”, I asked hoping that the answer would be just what I heard. “Definitely, six rows back as well, I can't believe it”, Lacey replied. Lacey was my best friend, she was phoning me to tell me that her dad has managed to get us tickets to the one and only Elvis Presely. We have been fans for years, more so Lacey than me but nonetheless I was excited, he was over in London in 6 months time for a special one off show, before he would be back 6 months later for a bigger tour. I didn't expect us to get tickets at all, especially not just 6 rows back, I already knew that it was going to be a life-changing night.

I'm Rose Smith. I live in a small city in the North of England called Chester. I'm 19 and left school and have been working as a backing dancer for a local theatre since. I'm not all that interesting but if I think of anything at a later date, you'll be the first to know.

April 17th 1961

Today was the day that I would be experiencing the man himself Elvis Presley. The first part of this epic day would be the 5 hour train down to London, one that me and Lacey had been not looking forward to, but the thought of what we would be doing that night. The journey wasn't all that bad, we spent the journey discussing what we would be wearing and what we thought he would be singing and what he would look like, excited was not the word for us. After the long journey we had finally arrived in London, and made our way to our hotel for the night which turned out to surprisingly lovely, small but incredibly cosy. We got ready right away, I turned the radio on and Elvis was playing the fact he was in the city, was causing a sense of hysteria. After an hour and a half we were both ready, we decided to walk down near the arena where Elvis would be playing tonight and see what was around. As we got closer we noticed a small café, and realising that we were both peckish decided to stop off and have something to eat. It was empty apart from a table of 5 men in the corner, we took a seat in the middle and looked at the menu while we waited for the waitress to come over.

“I'll just have a water and the tomato soup please”, I placed my order and started to look towards the 5 men in the corner while Lacey ordered hers. I caught the eye of one of the men and smiled politely before turning my attention back to Lacey, who I had never seen look so excited. We began discussing yet more Elvis related topics, with Lacey going onto a massive speech on how she hopes he appears in his solider uniform, which I was thinking was unlikely, I was about to speak when a loud American voice rang out, “Excuse me girls”. Me and Lacey look over to where the voice had come from and realised it was from one of the men who were sat in the corner. “Can't help but overhear, but are you girls here for the Elvis show tonight?”. Before I could reply Lacey was shaking her head in agreement, “Yes, are you?”, she asks. All the guys have a smirk on their face, which made me feel a bit uneasy, “You could say that”. Lacey doesn't have a reply so just smiles politely, I thought that was the end of that before the man began to speak again. “Would you ladies care to join us, we've never met two British women before”, I laugh at how slightly weird that sounded. Me and Lacey look at each other and start to laugh, I turned towards the men and reply, “Well it would be awfully rude for us to deny you of that pleasure”, all the men start to laugh as me and Lacey make our way over to the table of Americans.

They moved round to make room for us both, “Thank you”, I muttered as I took a seat to a guy whose necklace caught my attention. We all introduced ourselves and conversation began to flow, as it did I noticed that the guy who had introduced himself as Red was staring at me and as I turned to match his gaze he smiled and turned to the guy next to him, who had introduced himself as Jerry and whispered in his ear, who agreed with whatever Red had said we a nod, and the next thing Red had excused himself. Not thinking anything of it, I got involved in the topic that was being discussed.

When Red came back, a smile appeared on both his and Jerry's face before they both turned to me and Lacey, we both noticed and looked at them both anxiously. “How would you two girls like to meet Elvis?”, Red asked us with a huge smile on his face. I just stared at him not knowing if he was being serious or not, before I could even comprehend what was being asked Lacey answered for the both of us “Really, that would be amazing”. Doubt suddenly sprang to mind, “Sorry to be rude, but how is that possible?”, I asked. This made all the men laugh, “Well baby, follow me and you'll know how it is possible”. Before I knew it, we had left the cafe and were on our way down to the arena.

Five minutes later and we were stood in front of security who were guarding the backstage door of the arena Elvis would be playing in 4 hours time. This is clearly a practical joke I thought as we approached the door, I began to feel nervous that seated itself in the pit of my stomach for some reason. The new few minutes were a blur, we were let in the arena with no trouble and we were all now sat in a room, which had a pool table, several sofas and a table full of food and drink. Me and Lacey sat side by side on one of the sofas, Lacey was practically shaking I look over at her and smiled and shrugged. “I'll be back in a minute”, Red said with a wink at me and Lacey and left the room. Conversation started again with everyone in the room, the next minute the door clicked open and my stomach turned, all I could think was this really is happening. Before I could prepare myself Red had re-entered the room, and behind him stood the most beautiful man I have ever seen, Elvis Presley. We instantly made eye-contact and found our faces were mirroring each others as he walked towards me and Lacey, we were smirking at each other, as soon as I realised what I was doing I looked down , but I could hear Elvis laugh softly and as I looked back up he was stood in front of me with his hand held out, “I'm Elvis Presley, nice to meet you”, I placed my hand in his and shook lightly, “Rose Smith, nice to meet you too”, he smiled and muttered “Rose”, while keeping his eyes firmly on mine. He introduced himself to Lacey before taking a seat on the sofa opposite me and Lacey. “Would you like a drink?”, Elvis asked while looking at me and Lacey intensely, “I'm ok, thank you”, I replied with a smile.

Conversation flowed surprisingly easy for the next 10 minutes or so until Elvis made a suggestion, “Fancy moving through to my dressing room, it's more comfortable than in here”, I smiled, in reply he gave me a wink which caused me to blush softly, he noticed and brushed his fingers against my cheek “Lovely” was all he said with a smile. We all made our way to his dressing room, I took a seat on one of his sofas, I looked next to me expecting Lacey to be sat there but instead it was Elvis. I looked about for Lacey and found her sat on the sofa with Red talking closely, I turned my attention back to Elvis who was already there to meet my eye-contact, he smiled as I did. “Are you from London?”, he asked, as I could feel his eyes surveying my face. I shake my head, “No, I'm from up North, a ting little city called Chester”, he smiled “Although I've never heard of Chester it sure does produce beautiful women”, I could feel my cheeks go red again, this time he lent over and whispered in my ear, “You look beautiful when you do that”, and with that I felt his lips brush against my neck softly before he pulled away, our smiles matching once again. We spent the next 40 minutes talking, he asked me about nearly every aspect of my life and somewhere in that time our hands have found each other and he was currently stroking the back of my hand with his fingers. A knock on the door and our paradise was interrupted, “Come in”, Elvis called out. A short man with a headset on walked in and smiled as we made eye-contact before he turned to Elvis, “It's time for your sound check”, and with that piece of information he left the room. Elvis turned to me and smiled, “It's been lovely meeting you Rose, if I may ask what are your plans after the show?”, I looked over at Lacey who still had the biggest smile on her face, which in turn caused me to smile while turning back to Elvis “I have no plans other than go back to the hotel I guess”. “Can I see you again?”, he asked in a soft voice, his piercing eyes finding mine, I did nothing but nod which caused him to now have the biggest smile in the room. “Where are you sat?” he asked. I looked at Lacey with an expression of help on my face, “Six rows from the front”, she smiles. Elvis smiles back at her then turns to me,”Very close” and with that he stands up in front of me. I gaze up, and before I can do anything he leans down and softly kisses my cheek. We smile as he starts to leave the room, he kisses Lacey goodbye before leaving the room with Red. Me and Lacey just sit in silence for a couple of moments, pure disbelief I don't think we could both quite believe what has just happened. I was about to talk when Elvis reappeared in the doorway, a smile instantly lights up my face “Do you have a favourite song?” he asks his eyes firmly on mine which cause me to blush which results in a smile from him. “That's All Right Mama” I reply with a smile that mirrors his, he nods, winks and leaves the room once again.

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