Chapter 10

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“You can come with me you know doll”, Elvis spoke softly as he held me against the kitchen top, I smile and kiss him lightly on his left cheek, “I know would be nice to get to know your Dad, I mean....I wanna know....”. His smile suddenly mirrored mine, “Aren't you the nosy one?”, and with that he lightly kissed the tip of my nose, and then made our way to the living room.

15 minutes later I was sat in Vernon's car heading into the centre of Memphis, “What kind of shop you looking for doll?”, he asked as he kept his eyes firmly on the road ahead. “Kinda like a stationery store....where they sell like notepads and stuff?”, I could see the corner of Vernon's mouth turn up into a smile, “I know just the place”, he said as he swiftly made a right turn at the next corner.

Half an hour later I had purchased all what I had needed from the stationery shop that Vernon had drove me to, “Thank you so much for driving me here”, I smile at Vernon as we make our way to the car. “My pleasure Rose, if you are ever stuck for anything come and see me, right?”, his eyes were now on mine, “I will, thank you”, our smiles now mirrored each others. “Elvis is really lucky to have a Dad like you”, his turns to look at me with a smile as big as ever, “I'm really the lucky one”, and with that my heart fell even more for the Presley family.

Vernon and I stopped off at the supermarket on the way home and picked up some lunch that we could make together back at Graceland. It was lovely spending some time alone with Vernon, I could see a lot of Elvis in him. We arrived back at Graceland before Elvis, and made our way to the kitchen where Vernon was sorting through the food we had just bought. I was looking through what I had just bought at the stationery shop when I heard Vernon's soft voice speak out, “If you don't mind me asking what exactly is it you're making him doll?”. I smile as I look up at him, “Not at's gonna be kinda like a memory book, so we don't lose touch with each other lives when we're in different countries”. Vernon mouth turned into a huge smile, “That's a lovely idea......but you do know you won't lose Elvis, he wouldn't let that happen”. My attention was solely on Vernon on at this point, “Really?”, I asked. Vernon nodded in a very confident manner, “You bet.....I know Elvis has never met a girl that has touched him as much as you he always says you're his English Rose”, and with that we both smiled and carried on with our cooking, the conversation covering many topics.

After we had eaten I excused myself and took off upstairs, where I wanted to complete the first page of the memory book. The first page was going to be a note off me, something he would see every time he looked in it. Trying to find the right words to describe how I was feeling was real hard, how do you describe love, a feeling or emotion is never really meant to be written about is it? It is always supposed to be shown.

Just under an hour later Elvis was back, he made he arrival by practically running into the living room where I was sat watching some music shows on T.V. The smile on his face was huge as he bent down and pressed his lips against mine. I couldn't help but smile as I held him close to me, “Johnny Cash again huh?”, he chuckled as he looked up at the T.V set. I smile like him and nod, “He is a good'en, isn't he?”. He nods himself and presses his lips to mine before taking a seat next to me, as we both sit and listen to the man that technically brought us together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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You're my English Rose - Elvis PresleyWhere stories live. Discover now