Chapter 7

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Here I was.

Graceland was the most perfect place I have ever laid eyes on. I had just arrived, Elvis had a car come and pick me up from the airport, any sight of him outdoors caused public and media panic so I fully understood why he wasn't waiting. I couldn't complain as he was the one that had brought me here, he was the reason I was here.....I can't believe it, I was about to be reunited with the man that had once captured my mind, but now it seems he had captured my heart and I have never been this happy.

“Elvis is excited to see you”, his friend Jerry spoke as we pulled up outside Graceland. Jerry had introduced himself as a friend, and on the way also told me he was one of Elvis' bodyguards but had known Elvis since he was a young boy, it was lovely to hear about Elvis from someone that truly knew him.

The car door opened and Jerry held out his hand for me to take, I took a deep breath and took his hand and as I pulled myself up I was shocked at just how beautiful Graceland looked with my naked eye. My eyes were soon pulled to the figure that now stood in the front door, I knew his eyes straight away and before I realised what I was doing I ran into his arms, that enclosed me close to him. It was like we had never been apart.

Hand in hand, he led me to the living room which was a crisp white with glass coloured sides, in there I noticed a old woman and a man. “Rose this is my grandma Minnie Mae, and this is my father Vernon”, they both stood up as I approached them, they both kissed my cheeks as I said “hi”.”Aren't you a beauty”, Vernon said as me and Elvis took a sit. “Thank you......and thank you for letting me stay here”, I answered back with a smile. “Anything that makes my boy happy makes me happy”, he smiled back. The four of us sat for a good hour talking, none of us noticed the time passing until Vernon was called to his office, “Fancy a tour of the house doll?”, Elvis asked as he stood up and held his hand ready for mine. Before we left the room, he kissed his Grandma on both cheeks which for any girl a heart puller.

The grounds and interior of Graceland was like nothing I had ever seen before, it was so before its time but yet completely suited to now and its surroundings. He ended the tour in his room, “This is ours.....but I understand if you would feel comfortable staying in another room”, he looked deep into my eyes and I didn't feel like an spoken answer was needed, so instead I pressed my lips to his and before we knew it we were lost in the moment and had fallen onto our bed.

After we stopped ourselves from going to far, we lay together arm in arm just enjoying each others company. This is what I what I had been dreaming of since me and Elvis were separated in London, I could not be happier, nothing could spoil my time here, nothing could spoil my feelings for him.

“Rose”, he spoke softly as we lay there. I look up at him from his chest as I search his eyes, he fails to meet mine. After a few moments of silence, I reach up and stroke his cheek, “What's wrong?”, I ask softly. I feel him take a deep breath before he starts to speak again, “There's someone else”.

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