Chapter 9

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“I wanna show you something today”, Elvis was beaming excitedly over breakfast. I couldn't help but smile back, my face mirroring his. It was the 3rd day of my visit to Graceland, we spent yesterday in bed just lying with each other and getting to know each other. It was 9.30am and we were both up, showered and dressed ready for the day, we had decided that today Elvis would show me something he loved doing, and tomorrow I would show him something I loved doing. We had breakfast with his dad, grandmother and his friend Joe. Joe, Elvis and Vernon were discussing something to do with a car, I didn't really have a clue, I was lost momentarily in my food until his grandmother Minnie Mae tapped my hand softly. I looked up to see her smiling, she nods towards the three men talking, “Typical men ey”, she says with a soft laugh. I laugh in return, “Makes me feel lucky to be a girl, we don't have to worry about that stuff”. She laughs and takes my hand once again, “You're a beautiful young woman Rose, not a girl......always remember're special”, and with that she gave me a wink and a smile, then stood up to leave the table. Her words had touched me, although I wasn't completely sure what she had truly meant. I'll have to remember to ask her about it, in private. “Ready to go beauty?”, Elvis asked as he looked over, the manly conversation must be over. I finish the last of my orange juice and nod.

We were in his white Cadillac heading out into Memphis, it was a warm day showing off Memphis it all its glory. “You know......I didn't think you would just be able to drive around Memphis....everyone must love you round here”. He laughs softly, and places one hand on my thigh before shrugging, “It's not so bad.....I mean it can get crazy but I keep myself to myself”. I nod in understanding, “Only way to keep sane huh?”, He laughs again before turning to flash his heart warming smile at me, “I have you too now for that”. “Quite the charmer once again”, I laugh, as he joins in with me in sync.

After driving for 20 minutes we pulled up beside a big green field that was scattered with a few oak trees. Elvis led us to a spot underneath one of the trees, and lay the blanket he had brought with him out. I took my place in his arms and we lay there basking in the heat of the day. His fingers were trailing up and down my bare arm, his touch just made me sink into him even more. “How long were you a fan beauty?”, he asked, as he did I moved to look up at him, I could see a small smirk raising the corner of his mouth. I shook my head and answered, “So modest Presley......but I'm gonna be honest with you, I kinda fell into you through Johnny Cash”. He now moved so he was looking at me, the smirk on his face now a full blown smile. “Oh really?”, he laughed with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't help but smile as I nodded slowly, “Yep.....he mentioned you in an interview, how great you were and.....well.....I decided he must have good judgement and gave you a listen”. He reached out and held my face in his hands, “So I will have to thank Johnny for introducing you into my life?”, I nod with a now smirk on my face, “I guess you are, he deserves something pretty big right?”, he laughed as he nodded. “Oh he sure does baby”, and with that his lips met mine and were lost there for a while.

We got back to Graceland around 3pm, we were gonna freshen up then go out to eat. I needed to do something in private but had to wait until Elvis wasn't around. I pottered around the bedroom until he went for a bath then I made my way down to find Vernon, who was sat in living room watching TV. I knocked on the door before I slowly entered, as soon as he realised who it was his face grew into a beaming smile, much like his sons'. He stood up and embraced me as I entered, “You alright doll?”, he asked as he moved back to his seat and motioned me to sit beside him. “Yeah, I need your help and a favour if it's not rude to ask”. “Of course not, what can I help you with?”, he asked focusing his attention solely on me. “Well.....I wanna say thank you to Elvis in a personal way......something to remember me by......but....I don't know anywhere in Memphis to go.....and I know what I wanna get him.....its just...”, Vernon reached out and gently touched my hand, “Don't worry doll, I am more than happy to help you.......I have an idea that will spare us a few hours away from Elvis”, I smile into his eyes “Thank you Vernon”. He smiled back bigger, “No thank you.....Elvis ain't be this happy since his Mama thank you”, and with that my love for Vernon started to grow, you could see where Elvis got his traits from and it made me love him even more.

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