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Win groaned as he made his way through the drunk bodies that were humping up against each other.

He wasn't a party person. He was more of a binge-watch Netflix originals on a stormy day type of person.

He planned on spending his Friday night at home catching up on Stranger Things, but his friend Mike just had to drag him out to this party.

"You need to learn to have fun," Mike said.

But the thing was, he wasn't. Hed had only been at the party for at least 30 minutes now and was already having the worst time of his life.

The crappy music was hurting his ears, drunk girls were throwing themselves on him, and for the second time tonight, someone spilled beer on him.

Win was finally able to make his way through all the sweaty bodies and to the kitchen. He looked around searching for anything to help dry off the alcohol.

As Win was searching through cabinets, he ended up accidentally bumping into something hard.

"Shit" Win mumbled. After getting his vision back he opened his eyes to see it was not something but someone.

A tall guy with brown hair stood tall looking down on him. Win felt sort of small as he stared into the guy's eyes. He could feel himself wanting to run away but he didn't, instead, he found himself looking over the dude's features.

He was wearing a loose black T-shirt that was half way tucked into a nice pair of blue ripped jeans. His hair was fluffed out and parted in the middle.

His eyes were brown and there was a small scar on the corner of his right eyebrow. His jawline was sharp and his lips we pink, plumped and looked so soft. For some reason Win found himself finding the man attractive.

Not saying he's never seen a good-looking guy before, but he's never seen anyone like this one.

"You need something?" The brown hair boy asked taking Win out of his trance.

"O-Oh sorry" Win apologized "Just paper towels"

The said boy nodded and started looking around for something. At first, Win assumed he was done with the conversation and was looking for a drink but soon he came back with a small red towel with apple patterns on it.

"Here," he said handing it to Win.

Win looked between the towel and the handsome fellow before he grabbed it and started wiping down his shirt.

"I'm pretty sure that stain won't come out till you wash it, I can lend you one if you want?"

Win looked up to see the boy staring worriedly at his shirt.

This guy seems pretty nice.

"Then what are you going to wear?" Win said before thinking.

He closed his eyes in embarrassment before dropping his head. He could hear the guy laugh loudly before he felt a hand wrap around his wrist and drag him out of the kitchen.

Win opened his eyes and stared at the back of the mystery man's head. If it were any other person Win would have already taken his hand back, but this guy, this guy seemed okay.

Soon enough, after making it upstairs, both boys came to a room. The guy brought them inside before closing the door and heading to what Win assumed was his closet.

As Win waited on what to do next he took his time to look around the room.

The walls were black, as well as the curtains, sheets, and furniture in the room. White lights hung across the walls and there were framed pictures of different sceneries on the walls.

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