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"Win sweetie!" Dawn called

Win looked up from his phone to see Dawn walking towards him with the brightest smile on her face.

For a second, Win swear he saw Brights face instead of Dawn and quickly looked away once she was close.

Win didn't see the frown form on Dawns face.

"What's wrong?" She asked suddenly

"Nothing" Win gulped "what's up?"

Dawn, not entirely convinced, just brushed it off and figured she'd find out later.

"Nothing" she replied "just wanted to know when you'll be done here so we can go back to my place and finish the project "

Win internally groaned. One of the reasons he lied about doing the extra work at school was so he didn't have to see Bright.

After that dinner  , he was sure Bright would tease him now. And he wasn't ready for Bright to see him being close with Dawn again, especially knowing what he saw.

"Why don't we just work on it at my place?" He hoped she'd say yes but of course the universe was always against him.

"Win!" She whines "my parents aren't home and today is my brothers last day here so he'll be sleep" she moved closer to wrap her arm around him "we're gonna be all alone" she said seductively

The sudden urge to throw up hit Win and he couldn't speak because he felt vomit would come out before any words did.

Dawn stared at him waiting for a response. Win gulped down the knot in his throat and finally spoke.

"Um, Dawn, no offense but I don't think I'm ready for any of that yet." He said as calmly as possible.

It seemed as all the joy Dawn had before had drained out of her and a full scowl landed on her face.

"And why the fuck not, Win?" She questioned "I'm your girlfriend. You're supposed to want sex with me."

Win moved back a little to give them space.

"I-I know that, Dawn. But I'm j-just not ready"

It wasn't a complete lie. Win was afraid of sex with anything. It didn't matter that it was Dawn , it was the fact that Win valued his body and was always told to only give it to those he loved deeply. He knew he didn't love Dawn and that she wasn't the one.

Even if he liked Bright , he hadn't planned on doing anything farther than kissing with him, if they ended up together.

Dawn laughed manically loud and stood up.

"That's a funny joke, Win. You're a guy. You're always ready for anything sexual that's how you're built. If you don't want sex with me that's all you have to say, I know I'm not that pretty but you could at least tell the truth" she was about to storm off but Win grabbed her.

"No!" He shouted "that's not what I meant, Dawn. I'm just saying that my virginity is very sacre-"

"Sacred?!" She laughed out "you know what? I'll do my part of the project and send it to you when I'm done. Do the other half on your own"

Win could feel his blood boiling. Why was she mad at him because he didn't want to have sex?
Wouldn't that be the other way around???

Win grabbed his stuff and angrily made his way to the bus stop to go home.

Once he was home, Win had spent a good hour thinking everything over. Was this really the right way to go? He liked Dawn, at least that's what he tells himself, he should be with her. He liked her, made a commitment to her , and he has to stay with her.

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