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Weeks went by and Win was miserable.

He felt like he was suffocating he wanted nothing more than to take a trip somewhere in a far away land and never come back.

School was becoming ridiculously stressful, his parents seemed to be leaving for work more often , he hadn't been doing well with Dawn, and worse he hadn't seen or heard from Bright.

Sadness was taking over Win slowly and he felt like he was sinking. Dawn was becoming insufferable and challenging to handle now.

After an incident at the mall, she continued to follow Win everywhere and was stuck to him like a leech. Plenty of times he let her know he wanted to spend time alone, by himself, but she always started an argument after that.

He wish he had the courage to do what he wanted without feeling like he's failing everyone.

It was a school day but Win didn't feel like going. His parents were going to be gone for a week on a business trip so he was alone, as always.

He hadn't told anyone that he wasn't coming to school so he wasn't surprised to see his phone being blown up by Mike and Dawn.

He choose to ignore them for the day and just focus on being lazy.

After a long shower and some food Win found himself outside, in his backyard, boxing with his punching bag.

He had so much built of stress that he felt like he needed to hit something. It felt good to take his anger out on something other then someone he cared about.

Out of nowhere Win could hear his doorbell being ranged. Thanks to his mom, they had the speaker set up outside the house as well. Win groaned and went to his phone to check the time. It was only 11 which meant it couldn't have been someone from school.

Win walked to the door and opened it without hesitation. 


Win didn't know if he was dreaming or if he passed out due to heat exhaustion, but there in front of his eyes was Bright in a delivery guy outfit.

He looked tired. As if he'd been working nonstop for the past couple weeks.

Both boys stood there frozen as they stared into each other's eyes.

"Hi" Bright greeted breaking the awkward silence.

"Hi" Win gulped down a knot in his throat, he looked over Bright to see him with a package in his hand.

Bright, noticing the stair, cleared his throat and straightened himself up.

"Um, yeah,  I have a package for  opas-iamkajorn family" he paused for a seconded "guessing that's you?"

Win nodded, still not able to form any words. If he was being honest, Win was more worried about Bright. He looked like he could use a nap and a cold glass of water. With little courage,  Win cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Do you....wanna come in?" Win asked "just for a small bit? You look kind of thirsty."

Win didn't think Bright would be up for it and soon regretted his decision on asking until he heard a loud sigh leave Brights mouth and a hand come up to wipe the sweat off his forehead. 

"Yes, please and thank you. I've been out in this heat all day."

Win quickly moved out the way letting Bright in. He watched as the older take his shoes off and place his items on the small table on the wall. He also watched as he took a moment to look around Wins house and slightly admire it.

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