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"You wanna drink?" Bright asked as he sat next to the younger.

"I'm underage, remember?" Win reminds.

Bright nodded back and took a gulp of his beer. He looked stressed. Win kind of felt bad for intruding in on him in the middle of the day.

What if he had work? Or somewhere to be? Did I stop him at the wrong time? Is he annoyed that I'm here? What if he hates me?

"You're doing it again" Bright announced suddenly. Win looked at him wondering what he meant. He guessed Bright caught on as he answered.

"You're thinking to hard" he explained "I don't mind you being here, I wasn't doing anything anyways"

Win nodded and turned his attention back to his hands. He wasn't sure what to do now. It had been awhile since they were alone and talked to eachother.

"How are you" Bright asked.

"I'm...okay I guess " Win answers

After Wins coming out both boys, secretly, spent more time together alone.

Win was coming up with a way to break up with Dawn, and after confess to Bright. Sure, Bright knew that Win found out he was gay because of him, but he wasn't sure if Bright knew that Win was...in love with him.

Win had concluded that thought when Dawn told him I love you for the first time.

They were sitting outside in the schools garden. Dawn was sketching some flowers as she rested her head on Wins lap. I'm glad I met you she said as she turned to her boyfriend.

You don't have to say it back, Win. But i love you.

The first thing that came to Wins mind, was Bright. All the small moments they shared, the lingering touches, the intense stares, all the conversations they had. Win could only think of Bright when it came to the word love. The only problem was he would have to break Dawns heart in order to go after that love.

A part of Win didn't feel so bad. Dawn was draining Win out, made him feel weak, and not in a good way. All in all , Win knew he had to end his relationship with her. He been talking about it with Mike for some time now, but he wasn't much help.

Always say to ghost her or do it over text. But, Win was better than that. He wasn't going to tell Dawn about his gay awakening, seeing as she had a problem with that. But he knew he'd let her know the feelings he had once before weren't there anymore.

"Have you ever broken up with someone?" Win asked after a minute.

Bright seemed stunned by the sudden question and tensed little. He put the small strawberry that he was about to eat down and looked to Win.

"Once. Every other time I was on the opposite end." He confessed.

Win nodded. He hurt to hear that Bright was getting his feelings hurt like that, but he thought it would be a conversation for another time.

"How did you do it?"

"Well" Bright sighed "we had been dating for about a year. Things were good in the beginning, but, it seemed like they liked their job more than me. One day I just got tired of it and sat them down so we could talk. I explained how I was feeling and then ended it"

It sounded simple. But Win knew there was more. A distant look in Brights face said it all, that there was more to the story. That he was hiding something.

"What did you say, specifically?" Win questioned.

Bright let out a small groan and closed his eyes.

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