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It's been a 3 days since Win had seen or heard from Dawn. At this point, he assumed they broke up and that made him feel a little relieved.

He didn't know if he could continue dating someone who was so triggered by someone else's sexual orientation.

Win for sure knew he wasn't fully straight, he couldn't trust that Dawn would find out one day and would be cool about it.

He could tell that Dawn got the word around by the glares he'd been getting from her friends. Honestly, he could care less. Dawn wasn't who Win thought she was and he saw a part of her that he didn't like.

It they were over then that was probably for the better.

Even though he spent 3 days not seeing Dawn, he did spend those 3 days talking to Bright.

As soon as Win made it home he immediately texted Bright and let him know that he made it home safe.

That led to Bright asking what happened, to then asking how's he's been, to then them talking about 10 other things.

Win spent night and day giggling at his phone and blushing from all the texting him and Bright had been doing.

Win found out that Bright was able to move out about 1 month after the party and find his own place not that far from his parents.

Win was also able to find out they had similar interest as well. They both enjoyed murder mystery's, playing guitar, animals, boxing, surfing, and more.

They talked for hours and Win felt guilty because he didn't feel guilty at all.

He knew Dawn was probably home sulking all night and being rude to Bright. But Bright said she hadn't seen her come out her room since Win left.

Today, Win was at school sitting in lunch with Mike and some of his other friends. He zoned out for most of it, he was tired . Staying up till 3 in the morning wasn't probably the best thing to do on a school night.

"So?" Mike queried "have you spoken to Dawn yet?"

Win blinked out of his day dreaming and turned towards Mike giving him a confused look.

"I thought I told you she hasn't responded to me in a week" Win said

Mike frowned a little then looked passed Win to then sigh

"Well, looks like you guys are going to be talking today" Mike then nodded towards the direction he was looking.

Win furrowed his eyebrows to then turn and see Dawn standing in the cafeteria door, staring Win down.

Win gulped and slowly stood up and walk towards the angry looking girl. Win knew this was the end of his first relationship, but he didn't think that would be a bad thing, right?

As Win got closer, Dawns expression changed. Win wasn't sure what it was but maybe a look of sadness? He stood in front of her ready for the worst.

Before he could get a word out , Dawn grabbed his wrist and started dragging Win down the empty corridor. The silence between them was loud and all Win could do was think of the ways that he was about to die.

Maybe it will be easy? If she doesn't suffocate me maybe my death will come quickly as possible.

Win smiled at thought. He thought it would look Hilarious with him being suffocated by Dawns tiny hands. It wasn't like she could do much anyway, she wasn't that strong.

Soon Dawn successfully had Win inside of the pool supply room. It was filled with all the pool cleaning equipment and safety vest. Plus the toys the swimmers like to secretly use when practicing.

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