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Win felt safe.

It was wrong , but he was happy. He didn't regret his decision of coming with Bright to his place.

What he wasn't expecting was that Bright did In face lived close to the park, about a 5 minute walk to be exact.

It was a silent walk but once they were inside and sitting comfortably on Brights Black sofa, they were able to speak again.

"You have never rode a bike before?" Bright laughed out

Win rolled his eyes and grabbed a pillow to throw at the older.

"I never had the opportunity too" Win defended "I always had a ride for somewhere to go, and by the time I started driving there was no need to learn"

Bright started laughing uncontrollably and even slipped off the sofa.

"I'm sorry" Bright wheezes "I just haven't meant anyone who hasn't ridden a bike before. I mean my sister didn't want to learn but our parents made her"

Wins smile slowly flattered as he her about Dawn. He actually forgot about her the whole time he was with Bright and that was funny considering the fact he only went out for a walk because of her.

Bright noticed the sudden change and quickly reacted.

"I'm sorry" Bright whispered "I know you guys are having problems...shouldn't have brought her up"

Win didn't answer , he just stared at Bright.

Even if he was apologizing he was the one who looked like he should be apologized too. Win could see his eyes tear up a little, but they quickly went away went Bright stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry too" Win mumbled

"For w-what?"

Win glanced at Bright to see him already staring at him with confusion.

"I...I-I don't know b-but I feel like I should a-apologize" Win said picking at his palm.

Bright moved closer and grabbed Wins hand to stop the action and bring his attention to him. Win looked up with glassy eyes and had a slight pout on his lips.

Bright thought he look cute and so small. He wanted nothing more than to pinch his cheeks and tell him how beautiful he was, but he stopped himself , knowing he wasn't allowed.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Win." Bright assured "It's not like you knew Dawn was my sister or that we'd end up....you know"

Win felt a pang in his heart.

Was Bright regretting it? Was it just a small kiss and noting more?

Win moved away from the older and brought his gaze to the carpet below him.

"I'm sorry I kissed you" Win said coldly "it was a mistake, and I'm sorry I put you through that"

Bright frowned and felt a sting. He was wondering why Win was acting like that all of a sudden. Bright never regretted anything the two did, in fact that night he was hoping to get his number and maybe a long lasting relationship. But of course the universe was out to get him and he wasn't able to see the boy again after that night.

His sister was really good at ruining things for him without even knowing.

"Do you regret it?" Bright finally asked

Win didn't answer, he kept his head down.

Bright didn't want to rush him. It was his first kiss with a guy, at least that's what he said, he could still be questioning his sexual identity.

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