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Sooner or later Win was going to get caught , but he couldn't care less.

He had been avoiding having to see Dawn for at least 2 days now. Yes, they had a class together, but Win was able to get there earlier and asked the teacher for their assignments so that he could sneak off to the library and finish the work.

Every time Dawn wanted to hang out or see Win, Win came up with a lame excuse to get out of it.

He was trying to find the right time to break up with her so that he could stop feeling so guilty about the second kiss he shared with Bright.

Win felt like such and asshole for how he was treating Dawn, but he needed to take time so he could figure out what he would do.

Win was currently at Mikes place , chilling by his pool. As much as Mike hated being home, Win loved it. His father may have been a bit strict but he was loaded and always spoiled Mike with whatever he wanted , even if they got into heated arguments.

"Can you please silence that thing please" Mike groaned from the water floaty he was on.

That was the 100th text Dawn had sent that day that Win had been ignoring.

"Sorry" Win apologized as he set his phone to vibrate.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened 2 nights ago?" Mike questioned as he floated closer to Win who was sitting on the edge of the pool.

"What do you mean?" Win knew exactly what he meant , but he didn't want to have to tell Mike about his cheating or the fact he cheated with a guy.

"Oh i don't know, how about the fact I had to lie to your mom about being at my place 2 days ago" Mike sarcastically told "next time you lie to your parents at least tell me so I'm not caught off guard"

"Sorry" Win apologized again. It seemed like he was doing that  a lot now.

"Ughhh" Mike groaned "don't tell me your sorry , just tell me where you were. I know it wasn't with Dawn because you told me you guys got into a fight, so who was it?"

"I w-wasn't with anyone" Win lied

He was hoping Mike would drop it since it was clear he wasn't ready to talk about it, but one thing the two best friends had in common was that they were stubborn.

"Win" Mike groaned "I won't be mad if you were with another girl, I've seen and heard how Dawn treats me so if you cheated I understand. But can't you just tell me who it was so I know who to look out for whenever Dawns around"

Win was kind of shocked. He thought Mike would be mad at him for cheating, or even the thought of Win cheating. He surprised to hear Mike be so calm about it"

"You...you're not mad?" Win asked slowly.

"Of course not. I know if you were with someone who treated you good you wouldn't cheat on them" Mike explained as he got out of the water to sit next to Win "I can help you on how to break up with her if you need, I can tell by how fidgety you've been that you feel bad about it"

Win nodded his head and looked away with a small blush on his face. Even talking about what his did made his heart race a little. That kissed he shared with Bright did something to him he didnt think could be done.

"So are you gonna tell me who?"

Win was conflicted once again. Even though Mike was friends with some guys who were gay, it didn't make Wins fears any less intense. There were still jokes and homophobic comments Mike would make from time to time that would make Wins skin crawl. He was 100% sure that Mike would be cool with everything.

"It was just a girl I met at one of the hotspots they have around"

Mike raised an eyebrow and brought his hand to his chin to rub.

"Did you go back to her place or something?"

Win gulped down a small knot in his throat and nodded once again, without looking at his best friend.

Mike sighed and hopped back in the water to move in between Wins legs so he couldn't look away from him.

"Win, I don't want to be in your business and all but this...you just tend to pick the wrong people to like." Mike confessed

"What do you mean?"

Mike whispered a small okay before he made himself comfortable on Win.

"In the 6th grade you had a crush on Lacey and she would cut the thorns off of roses and put them in your lunch tray, 7th grade summer was Amelia who would degrade you everyday until you cried and she got her brothers to beat you up, our freshman year it was noriel who said to your face you were nothing but a speck of dust on top of a TV stand and I quote "would never date someone as ugly as you" . Fast forward to now where we have Dawn , she treats you like a pet with all those commands and is super bipolar when it comes to you" Mike let out another sigh "all I'm saying it I want to make sure you're not putting focus on someone who doesn't truly care about you, that's why I want to know."

No words left the youngers mouth as he stared at his best friend. Win forgotten about all his old crushes by now but he didn't realize how bad they were until he heard it out loud. But that didn't mean he was ready to tell Mike. The closes person to him back from elementary was his friend First was was gay , but Mike knew nothing of him.

"I promise, Mike. It was just one night...I just needed time from Dawn, but I am going to break up with her soon" Win assured.

Mike nodded and moved back from Win so that he could float in the water.

"For a second I thought you'd tell me you were gay" He chuckled.


Sorry for the late update 🥺.

Hope you guys enjoy and please vote💞💞💞💞.

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