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Win knew the first thing that had to be done. He needed to talk to his parents.

Even if he's able to clear his name, eventually everything with Bright will come out. He needed to let's his parents hear it from him , not Dawn, not her friends , just him.

He'd been up in his room for the past three hours trying to plan what he could possibly say.

Hey mom and Dad , your son is gay and spent the Saturday out with his girlfriends brother on a date that really wasn't a date but I wanted it to be a date so I guess it still counts as a date ?

"No, that's stupid." Win took a couple deep breaths as he walked in circles around his room.

Looking through all of Dawns Instagram and Facebook post wasn't really helping the way he thought it would. He was worried that he should have just taken Brights advice and come clean about where he really was, it he was gonna take Dawn down he needed a miracle


Win stopped pacing to go to his phone. He saw he had a text from an unknown number and quickly opened it.

    I know Dawn is a liar. Meet me in the pool room at school tmr during third block. I'll have more information then.

Win stood there with a blank face reading the message over again before looking off into space

"Well if that isn't a miracle, I don't know what is."

A loud laugh escaped his mouth before he did a couple spins to celebrate. After calming down he threw his phone on the bed, fixed his hair , and braced himself to talk to him parents. It was now or never.

Coming out of his room, Win headed straight to where he could hear his parents talking at which always seemed to be the kitchen. It was no lie he was nervous as shit , but he had to get this over with. Even if this thing with Bright or Dawn never happened, Win knew a time would come where he would have to come out to both his parents.

When he first walked in he saw his dad cooking something on the stove and his mom on the counter reading something to him off her phone. Sounded like a recipe for what he was making.

"Mom, Dad." Win called out softly.

His mom was the first to look up with a sweet smile on her face.

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" She asked. "Oh , look! I'm having your father make Tom Kha Gai for the first time. He kept complaining that he wanted some, and I told his ass to get up and make it himself. " she let out a small laugh before hitting Wins dad on the back then making her way off the counter.

"Oh how much I love my wife." His father said with a loud chuckle.

Win smiled to walk in and sit down at the table. He took a couple deep breaths before he looked up to see both his parents staring at him with a weird look.

"Can I have a minute of your time , please?"

"Can I have a minute of you- who raised you to be so polite?" His dad teased as his mom laughed to sit. "You don't have to ask, son. Let me turn the cooker off , go ahead while I do it."

"Well, I honestly wasn't planning on doing this anytime soon but with everything going on I think it's best to come clean about everything."

Win looked down to his palms to then start talking again.

"Do you guys remember that party I went too like a month before school started?" Both parents hummed and let him continue. "Well , I never told you but I met someone there. Someone spilled beer over my shirt, and I met them when I was trying to clean up. We got to know each other a bit and had a really great talk. A great talk that led to us kissing. "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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