Chapter 3 [Part 1]

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Cole's pov

15 minutes later, Jac walked into the room and closed the door behind her. She had papers in her hand but I didn't know if the marriage contract was among those papers.

"Did you talk to her?" I asked anxiously as I got to my feet.

"Yes I did?" Jac replied.

"What did she say?"

"She didn't like it when I told her what you were, she was frightened," Jac told me nervously.

"She's scared of me, she doesn't want me does she? I knew she'd say no," I said sadly. It was stupid of me to ask for her hand in marriage but she really is the one. I guess I can't have her and should go home to get back to my miserable life but how will I live without my soul mate? I was all prepared and all, I have everything she'll need to look after me at home which will all go to waste now.

"Cole s-" Jac began to say but I cut her off.

"It's ok, I understand. She's a Vampire and wants to marry her own kind, not a Demon like me,"

"Cole she agreed to marry you," Jac said quickly before I could say anything else.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"She agreed to marry you, she signed the contract," Jac showed me the contract which clearly displayed a signature.

"That's her signature? The girl that I told you about, the one who was in your office earlier?" I asked to make sure I had the right person.

"Yes, this is her signature," Jac confirmed as I grinned like a fool. I can't believe it, I'm getting married after all.

"How did you get her to sign it?"

"I convinced her you wouldn't harm her and that I knew you well enough to know you would treat her well,"

"Thank you Jac. I will never forget this, I am forever in your debt," I vowed. Seriously, Jac changed my life forever for the better and she'll receive whatever she wishes without question.

"There's no need for that, just take good care of her. Don't ever hurt her because she's been through enough," Jac told me.

"What do you mean she's been through enough? What happened to her?" I swear if anyone hurt her, I will kill them if they aren't dead already.

"It's not my place to say but if things go well then I'm sure she'll tell you herself when she is ready," She'd better tell me or I will go crazy thinking of what could've gone on in her life. I should have asked Jac for her name because I keep saying her and she but I guess I'll find out when my wife introduces herself to me.

"I hope so,"

"Ok Cole, you just need to sign the contract and once you do, you'll be married,"

"Ok," I said and was about to sign but Jac stopped me.

"You should take a seat first, we don't want you to fall on the floor and hurt yourself do we?"

"I guess not," I replied and took a seat. I signed my name on the contract before Jac took it away from me with the pen. The next thing I knew, the room seemed to have grown while my clothes were getting looser. I was changing into a child.

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