Chapter 35 [Part 1]

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Tegan's pov

The next morning, I woke up with a buzz. I'm really looking forward to seeing Spain, I've always wanted to go there and now I am going with my gorgeous husband. Cole still hasn't told me his secret yet, I was going to confront him before we married but then I got scared. What if his secret is so bad that we can't be together? I'm not ready to lose him just yet but I should ask him if he is hiding something from me.

Cole was fast asleep beside me so I woke him up by placing my lips on his.

"Cole wake up, we're going on our honeymoon today," I said in Cole's ear excitedly.

"Tegan," Cole groaned. "We're not leaving yet, why did you wake me?"

"I'm too excited," I began to bounce on the bed like a little kid without realising which wasn't a good idea because the next thing I knew, I was pinned under Cole.

"Careful mate or we might not make the flight," Cole warned me before he kissed me lovingly.

"What time are we leaving?" I asked when Cole decided to pull away.

"Soon," Cole replied and began to get out of bed but before he could stand up, I caught his wrist. He looked at me in surprise. "What's wrong Tegan?"

"Cole if you were hiding something from me for whatever reason, would you tell me what it is eventually?" I asked him carefully. Cole looked nervous for a second but then he brushed it off with a hesitant nod of the head.

"Yeah I would tell you but there's nothing I am hiding from you,"

"Are you sure?"


"Then why do I have the feeling you're keeping a secret? I feel weird sometimes, like we're drifting apart,"

"I'm sorry you feel that way Tegan but it's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about," Cole admitted and kissed my cheek in assurance.

"So you are hiding something from me?" I knew it.


"Then tell me what it is please," I pleaded.

"I want to tell you but then you might not want to go on honeymoon with me,"

"So it's really bad?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes but it won't affect us in anyway, I promise," Cole stroked my cheek with his thumb affectionately.

"Then it's ok for you to tell me,"

"Tegan I want to have a honeymoon that we will both enjoy, if I tell you then you won't come with me," Cole told me. "But I promise as soon as we get back, I'll tell you everything,"

"Ok," I agreed. Cole gave a sigh of relief and hugged me. "Thanks babe,"

Cole kissed my cheek softly before he went to have a shower. Now I know Cole is hiding something from me, he admitted it but I have to wait a month to find out what it is. I can tell already it's going to be a long month.

A couple of hours later, we were on the plane. I didn't know what to do with myself and decided to take a nap.

"Tegan you can't go to sleep and leave me awake here," Cole whined from the seat beside mine. He already isn't happy with the fact that we had to wear seatbelts because it is restricting Cole from getting close to touch me.

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