Chapter 23 [Part 1]

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Cole's pov

When Tegan left me with Liam, I wasn't happy to be parted from her even though I knew she was only gone to the kitchen and I was still having problems with Liam's blood. Liam's scent seems to be getting stronger and stronger, all I can do to stop myself jumping for his throat is to talk to him. I began asking him about anything that came to my mind and Liam seemed to like the attention.

"You've got a nice house, it's much bigger than mine," Liam told me.

"How do you know that? You haven't seen it all yet," I asked.

"I saw the outside, the living room and this room. They are huge so the rest of the house must be too,"

"You're right it is and before bed I'll give you a tour. I don't think you should move around right now because of your condition,"

"It's going to be so boring for two weeks, I have to rest all day," Liam whined.

"Don't worry, we'll find something for you to do," I assured Liam, he's not a bad kid but it's going to take me a while to get used to the smell of his blood which is calling out to me strongly. Why is Tegan taking so long? Does she want me to kill her brother when I've only just met him?

"Sorry for taking so long," Tegan apologised a while later when she came back into the room with the soup on a tray for Liam. She slowly walked towards Liam and placed the tray on his lap.

"Well eat up. I'll be back with some napkins," Tegan told Liam who took the spoon and began eating the soup.

"You're lucky you have such a nice Mum to make you soup," I told the teenager.

"I know, Mum's soup is the best," Liam replied with his mouth full of soup which was a pretty disgusting sight but I didn't say anything.

Tegan placed the napkins on the tray. What? Where did she come from? I didn't even see her come into the room. Did she use her Vampire speed ability? What if Liam saw? Tegan sat beside Liam which was disappointing because I wanted her to sit beside me. Tegan was too busy looking at her brother to notice me. I guess she wants to make sure he doesn't spill the hot soup on himself or they'll leave burns on his skin.

A few minutes later when Liam was done eating, Tegan took the tray from him and walked out of the room with it.

"Tell me when you need to use the bathroom and I'll help you get upstairs," I told Liam as he was not able to walk in his condition.

"Actually I need to go now," Liam announced.

"Ok," I stood up and walked up to Liam and carefully picked him up into my arms which was a bad idea because of his blood. I tried to ignore the delicious smell as best as I could while walking out of the room and upstairs to the guest bathroom. I pretended to sway at first to make my strength look like a human's or Liam would get suspicious and I held him as gently as I could so he wouldn't feel how strong I really was.

"Call me when you're done," I told Liam once I had placed him by the toilet. It's good he can still stand, it'll be good for when he gets help trying to walk again. The sink is near the toilet so he can reach easily to wash his hands.

"Ok," Liam agreed. I left the room, closed the door and waited for Liam to call me.

A few minutes later, Liam called. I opened the door and walked back into the bathroom where Liam was washing his hands. When he was done, I handed him a towel to wipe before carrying him back downstairs.

"There you are, I got worried when you weren't here," Tegan greeted us with a sigh of relief before she hugged the two of us, finally some contact.

I placed Liam on the sofa and sat down too. Tegan sat down beside me but she didn't put her arms around my waist like she usually did when we sat together and she didn't sit as close to me. These two weeks are going to be very very long. I won't get to touch Tegan around Liam. I'll have to wait until night when Liam is asleep.

"So what do you want to do now?" Tegan asked Liam.

"There isn't much I can do sitting down," Liam replied.

"You can play video games or watch a movie if you want," Tegan suggested. "Or we can go in the garden for some air for a bit or you could study,"

"Study?" Liam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah study so you don't forget anything when you return to school,"

"Nah, I'll think I'll pass on the studying. I'll only get a headache but video games sound good,"

"Cole," Tegan addressed me.

"Hmmm?" I asked.

"Liam wants to play video games,"

"Oh," I stood up and walked to the huge painting of the sea that was on the wall. I removed it to reveal a white cupboard that was built into the wall. I opened it up to reveal a TV and video gaming device with piles of video games. I picked up the remote control for the TV before switching it on the gaming device too.

"What game to you want to play?" I asked Liam.

"Nothing too violent," Tegan said before Liam could answer.

"But why?" Liam whined.

"Because you're supposed to be resting,"

I looked through my games collection before picking out a suitable game and set it up. Liam was pleased with the choice and happily started playing the game.

"We'll leave you to it, call if you need anything," I quickly said and Liam nodded in agreement. I have to get out of here or I will kill Liam. As much as I like him, I am still a Demon who craves blood. I grabbed Tegan's hand and she followed me out. I closed the door behind us and took Tegan to the sofa where I pinned her down under me while Tegan looked surprised at my actions.

"Cole what-" Tegan began to ask but I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers.

"Cole Liam's in the other room," Tegan reminded me when I pulled away a minute later.

"I know but I couldn't take it anymore. Liam's blood is too tempting and I've missed your touch," I said in a low voice so Liam wouldn't hear.

"I know how you feel but this is how it's going to be for 2 weeks. I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you tonight," Tegan whispered the last part in my ear.

"You'd better,"

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