Chapter 19 [Part 1]

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Turns out Cole is a few hundred years older than me, he is almost 300 hundred years old. I would never have guessed that myself because he only looks a few years older than my 23.

"That old?" I asked in surprise and whispered "You don't look 299 years old,"

"It's a perk of being an immortal," Cole shrugged.

"If you're that old then you must have been with so many women," I mumbled to myself and grew jealous before wondering how many women got to share a bed with my husband before me. Oh no, what if I catch something from Cole?

"Tegan," Cole sighed and reached over for my hand to take in his. "You are the only woman I have ever been with so don't worry about anything ok,"

"I am your first?" I asked to make sure and Cole nodded. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," Cole confirmed and I gave a sigh of relief. Thank goodness, I guess I have nothing to worry about and I've always liked older men. "By your reaction, I am guessing you are much younger than me?"

"Yep, I'm only 23,"

"This won't be a problem will it? You aren't going to call this whole thing off are you and demand we divorce?" Cole asked nervously.

"No," I said quickly before lowering my voice. "I would have liked my partner to be around my age if I were human but I am not. We are both immortal and will always remain with youthful looks so age doesn't matter,"

"I'm glad," Cole sighed and squeezed my hand in relief before placing a soft kiss there.


Half an hour later, we were still waiting for our food.

"Why's it taking so long?" I whined.

"Tegan it takes time to cook food, it will take longer as were not the only customers here," Cole told me.

"I know but I'm starving,"

"Here have some wine," Cole suggested and was going to hand me his glass of wine but I stopped him.

"Cole you know I don't drink,"

"I know but just have a sip, it'll loosen you up a bit,"

"Cole I am a Vampire remember? It won't have any affect on me,"

"I know so you have nothing to worry about," Cole held his glass out to me, I took it off him after a sigh and took a sip. The taste isn't bad but I'm not about to become a heavy drinker or something.

"So what do you think?" Cole asked and waited for an answer.

"It's ok,"

"Maybe you could have a glass at our wedding then," Cole suggested.

"Maybe," I agreed.

"So when do you want to get married again?"

"Well............ How about in a year or so?" I asked.

"A year or so but that's ages away," Cole whined.

"Sorry but what if you think tomorrow, next week or next month that you don't love me anymore then at least we'll have time to cancel the wedding,"

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