Chapter 8 [Part 1]

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Cole and I lay in bed awake the next morning because as always Cole woke me up with his sobbing.

“Why do you always wake up so damn early? This is why I’ve been so bloody bored because the days are a drag. I bet they aren’t a drag for you, you must be loving every second of this whole situation,” I irritably told Cole who giggled in response.

“This isn’t funny Cole,” I disagreed but that made Cole giggle more.

“Stop,” I demanded and Cole did stop his giggling almost immediately. “Good boy,”

I looked at the clock, it was 10am.

“We’ll we’d better have breakfast now,” I sat up on the bed.

“But I need to brush my teeth first so you will stay here,” I said firmly.

“And I don’t want to hear a peep from you,” I added before Cole could start the fake waterworks.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I went back to the bedroom Cole was on all fours and crawling down the bed towards me. He was soon near the edge of the bed. I ran to him to stop him before he could fall off the bed.

“I can’t believe it, you just crawled,” I said with pride.

“But you need to take it easy because we don’t want you hurting yourself now do we?” I asked. I picked Cole up and placed him on the floor so he had more space to crawl. I closed the door shut.

“Crawl to me Cole,” I encouraged. Cole began to crawl as fast as he could towards me. When he reached my feet, he held his arms up to me and I scooped him up onto my hip.

“Good baby, you did really well,” I praised and Cole beamed in happiness.

“The next step is to walk,” I said. Cole started wriggling around in my arms then.

“What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly and Cole began sliding down my body to get to the floor, it’s a miracle I haven’t dropped him yet.

“Do you want to be on the floor?” I placed Cole on the floor. Cole tried to stand but he couldn’t so I got down on my knees to help him. I stood him up and held him, Cole was about to try and walk but I stopped him.

“I think we should try this on the bed,” I picked Cole up and placed him on the bed in a standing position. I held his tiny hands in mine to help him.

“Ok, have a go,” I said. Cole tried to step forward but when he moved his foot he lost his balance and would have fallen if I wasn’t holding his hands.

A few more tries later, Cole gave up and sat on the bed looking disappointed in himself. I sat down beside him to get down to his level.

“Don’t worry you’ll soon get the hang of it,” I assured Cole softly. Cole put his hand on my arm and stood up. He put his little arms around my neck and gazed into my eyes. Then he surprised me with a little kiss on my cheek. It was more of a lick to be honest, babies can’t kiss.

“Aww you’re a sweet little baby aren’t you?” I cooed and kissed Cole on the cheek, he blushed.

“You’re soo cute as a baby. I hope you’re not an ugly man,” I blurted out without thinking and Cole began to sob.

“I’m sorry that was shallow of me to say, I’m sure you’ll be just as cute as a man,” I apologised and Cole stopped sobbing. He sat on my lap and snuggled into my chest as I put my arms around him. He soon fell asleep, all that crawling must have tired him out.

A few hours later, Cole woke up and was happy to still be in my arms. Then he licked my finger and began to suckle on it without hurting me with his tiny fangs. I didn’t know Demons had fangs until that day I first fed Cole blood. Jac’s the only Demon I’ve known before Cole but when Jac speaks she never shows me her fangs so I thought only Vampires had fangs but I guess I was wrong.

“You must be hungry,” I said with a knowing look before I took Cole to the kitchen where he was still suckling on my finger.

“Okay that’s enough of that,” I pulled my finger out of Cole’s mouth gently. I placed him in a high chair and Cole hissed cutely while baring his tiny fangs at me.

“Don’t hiss at me or I won’t feed you,” I warned, Cole immediately closed his mouth. “Good boy,”

I went to the refrigerator. I didn’t have a clue of what to cook for breakfast so I took out some blood to drink while I thought of something. I put some blood in Cole’s cup and handed it to him. He immediately took the cup from me and began to drink while I poured some blood for myself into a mug. Cole could hold the cup without dropping it now. I drank the blood and felt refreshed afterwards but Cole was still drinking his with appreciation.

I washed the mug and went to look in the refrigerator again. I decided to cook scrambled eggs on toast with baked beans.

A couple of minutes later, we were seated at the dining table and I dug into the food. Cole had his own small plate of food and used his hands to eat, he’s been been trying to eat himself but he always gets covered in food. I’m glad I haven’t dressed him into his day clothes yet or he would have ruined them.

When I finished my food, I picked up Cole’s fork and fed him the remainder of his food which was most of it and caused a big mess. Cole was covered in food, his hands were also soaked in beans. It would be best to give him a bath.

I took Cole in the bathroom and when everything was set up, I placed him in his own small bath tub. Cole shrieked in excitement as he felt the water on his naked skin. He loves baths. I added some bubble bath so Cole could play with the bubbles for a while before I rinsed his body and dried him with a towel.

I took him to the bedroom and dressed him in red trousers and a white top with red writing that said ‘I know I’m just too cute to resist’. What is with these shirts? I bet Cole brought them on purpose for me to read. I also slipped on some white trainers with red stripes on Cole’s feet.

I placed Cole on the bed and got dressed too into a red summery dress that stopped at my knees and showed off my legs.

I sat down on the bed but I guess I fell asleep because everything went black.

When I woke up I was confused and thought I heard a small voice say my name from beside me.

“Tegan,” the small voice said again. I looked to where the voice was coming from before my eyes were met with Cole’s blue ones.

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