Chapter 21 [Part 1]

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I looked all around the room, it is just a normal office. There's a desk with 1 chair on the side and 2 chairs on the other. There is a laptop on the desk with many papers and a few filing cabinets in the corner of the room. To think I wanted to break into here seems silly now.

"So what do you do in here?" I asked curiously.

"Work," Cole replied.

"What work do you do?"

"Didn't Diago tell you I'm a legal advisor?"

"He did,"

"This is where I do paperwork and that," Cole told me. "I've been on a break since I met you but I'll be going back to work soon,".

"How soon?"

"In a few weeks,"

I don't like the idea of Cole working. It will mean we won't get to see each other as much as we do now. Cole must have seen my face drop because he took my hand and squeezed it gently before saying

"Don't worry we'll still get to spend lots of time together. I only work part time and the pay is great. The meetings I have are short with each client as well unlike human meetings," Cole assured me.

"Really?" I asked with a smile.

"Really," Cole confirmed.

I put my arms around Cole and hugged him close.

"Careful Tegan, if you keep acting like this then I might just retire," Cole warned me as his lips met the side of my neck.

"Then do that,"

"I can't do that or I'll have no money to look after you,"

"I don't mind as long as we're together," I disagreed.

"But I mind," Cole told me and then began to kiss my neck softly.

"Cole," I moaned.

"Tegan," Cole replied against my neck and slowly his lips travelled up until they met mine.

Our lips moved together perfectly. It's funny how we haven't been together for long but can't get enough of each other. I'm so glad Cole chose me to be his soul mate because I couldn't have asked for anyone better to spend eternity with.

I pulled away a little to ask "Why did you choose me to be your soulmate?"

"Because I could sense you'd be the perfect life partner and it helps that you're absolutely drop dead gorgeous," Cole replied.

"Cole you shouldn't have chosen me for my looks. What if I turned out to be some stuck up bitch?"

"But you aren't, you have a sweet soul which is a perfect quality for the best soulmate I could ever have asked for,"

"So you're happy to be with me?"

"No I'm not happy," Cole told me, my face dropped for a second before I heard "I'm very very very very very happy,"

Cole's lips landed on mine again as I smiled.

Cole cleared his desk with a wave of his hand before picking me up and placing me onto the desk in a sitting position. Our lips met a third time and things got heated real quick. Cole pushed my chest gently down so I was laying on the desk. I stopped him before he could do anything else.

"Cole your desk will break," I warned.

"You're right," Cole agreed before pulling me back up into his arms.

Within a second, we were in our bedroom. Cole pushed me down onto the bed carefully and climbed on top of me. Cole looked me deep in the eyes before saying three magical words.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," I replied before joining our lips together for a passionate kiss.


A few hours later, we lay in a tangled mess between the bed covers and Cole has his arm around me with his eyes closed. My arm was around his bare waist, I took my free hand and placed it on Cole's cheek so he would open his eyes. When Cole's black eyes opened, they bore into mine as he sat up. We continued gazing into each other's eyes.

After a few minutes, Cole leaned down to kiss me but when his lips reached mine, my phone rang. I groaned onto Cole's lips before reaching for my noisy phone from the bedside table but it was impossible to reach with Cole pulling me as close as possible to him.

"Cole," I warned when he pulled away from my lips to kiss my neck, soon his lips reached dangerously low.

"Cole stop, I need to answer the phone,"

"So answer the phone," Cole told me and made no attempt to stop what he was doing as I answered the Call.

"Tegan?" Mum's voice asked.

"Yes Mum, is everything all right?" I replied just as Cole's lips reached my thigh.

"It's Liam, since he's been home from hospital he hasn't settled at home and he keeps asking for you. The doctor said he needs to take it easy for 2 weeks. I think maybe Liam should stay with you until he recovers," Mum surprised me but my reply was late as Cole was doing something very naughty with his tongue while I was holding in a moan. Why is he doing this to me now?

"You want Liam to stay with me but Mum that's-" I began to say but was cut off with Cole's lips on mine.

"I'm sorry I can't help it, you look really sexy right now," Cole whispered in my ear after his lips left mine.

"That's what?" Mum asked.

"That's impossible. I live with my boyfriend," I reminded her.

"I'm sure he won't mind your brother staying for 2 weeks,"

I looked at Cole and he surprisingly nodded his head that it is ok for Liam to stay with us.

"Well-" I began to say but was cut off by Mum.

"Great! I'll drop Liam over now, what's your address?" Mum asked, I mumbled the address.

"We're on our way, see you in a bit," Mum said quickly before hanging up.

"Cole what the hell do you think you were doing? I was talking to my Mum," I demanded with a blush after throwing my phone onto the bedside table.

"I said I was sorry," Cole answered but before I could reply he had me pinned down with his arms underneath him.

"Cole what are you doing? My Mum and Liam are on their way. We need to get dressed and get the place sorted out,"

"There's nothing wrong with our house, it's clean and tidy. Don't worry about getting dressed, that can be easily taken care of with my magic," Cole assured me.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang but were still making out furiously. I tried to push Cole off me but he didn't seem to want to finish things yet so I let him have his way.

5 minutes later, Cole was finally off me and had us dressed in a second with a wave of his hand. I made a run for the door but Cole grabbed my wrist for one final kiss before he finally let me go.

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