Chapter 34 [Part 1]

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When we arrived at the wedding venue, most of the guests were already there. They might be guests to my wedding but they are still afraid of me and are keeping their distance.

The venue is beautiful, very grand and looks like a Palace from inside with the spacious rooms, each with diamond chandeliers and fancy decorations. Tegan selected it herself and I was impressed so we agreed that this is where we would marry.

I invited a few close colleagues from work like Jane, someone had invited Carl the receptionist. Carl had no clue I was getting married but when he found out his attitude towards me didn't change, he continued flirting with me whenever he got the chance, in fact more often than he usually did. He must have thought that he could sway me from my fiancé and be with him instead. What a stupid fool, doesn't he know I'm straight? When Tegan turns up he'll definitely know, I wonder what he'll do then?

Thinking about Tegan is making me more anxious to see her. I can't wait until after the ceremony when I can take her home and she'll never leave my side again, no matter what happens. I made my way to the top of the aisle where the Vicar was standing, Diago followed with a hand massaging his aching head from his hangover. All that was left to do was wait for Tegan to arrive with her family.

Their arrival came shortly after, Liam and Joe were dressed in the same suit Diago and I were wearing. It was what we had agreed on. Annie was dressed in a lilac dress. Liam came to stand beside Diago while Annie took a seat at the front. Joe went to get Tegan. When he came back, he wasn't alone. My beautiful bride was with him. Her white dress looked lovely on her like I knew it would, her hair was half tied up, the other half was curled to the side. She looked amazing and I couldn't take my eyes off her as Joe walked beside her. When they reached me, Joe took Tegan's hand and placed it in mine before he went to stand with Diago and Liam.

"Today we are here to witness the marriage of Tegan and Cole," the Vicar addressed everyone present. I took Tegan's hands in mine. We both had agreed on some simple vows that we shared with the guests.

"I Cole Knight, take you Tegan McGuire to be my wife. I will always be by your side, whether we are rich or poor, sick or in health, I'll always be there. You are mine forever to love and cherish from this day forward until death do us part," I vowed truthfully as I looked Tegan in the eyes. Tegan smiled before saying her vows.

"I Tegan McGuire, take you Cole Knight to be my husband. I will always be by your side, whether we are rich or poor, sick or in health, I'll always be there. You are mine forever to love and cherish from this day forward until death do us part,"

Then Liam came forward with our rings which we exchanged before the Vicar pronounced us as husband and wife. We sealed it with a kiss and then were finally able to get out of there. All I wanted to do was take Tegan home but the guests wanted to take pictures. I caught a glimpse of Carl, he looked devastated but at least he knew he had no chance with me and never would. He was glaring at Tegan. I put my arms protectively around Tegan who just finished saying goodbye to her family. I was about to take Tegan to the car but a hand stopped me, it was Joe.

"I need a word with you before you take my only daughter away," Joe told me seriously before steering me away from everyone. I know what is going to happen, he's going to threaten me again.

"I know I have already warned you before but just in case you didn't get the message, I will do it again despite the fact that I like you being my son in law." Joe began. "If I find out you've hurt Tegan in any way then I'll kill you, always remember that,"

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