Chapter 38 [Part 1]

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A few days later

Tegan's pov

"Tegan?" Cole asked me as we lay in bed together in the morning.

"Yes," I replied and snuggled closer to him.

"Why don't you want to have children with me?" Cole asked in a pained voice.

"I do want to have kids with you,"

"Then why did you blow the subject off that day with your Mum?"

"Because in her eyes we only just got married so it was the normal thing to have done. I know Mum seemed pushy at us to have children but if I got pregnant right now, she wouldn't be happy,"

"So you do want children with me?" Cole had hope filled eyes.

"Does this mean you want them too?" I asked.

"Yes, I've wanted to have them for a while now,"

"Really? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to push you away. I know you aren't ready to have children yet so we'll wait until you are,"

"Aww! This is why I love you," I placed my lips on Cole's and when I pulled away, I groaned.

"What's wrong?" Cole asked with worry.

"You've got work today haven't you?" I groaned again. "Will you return early like the other day?"

Cole kept his promise, he did return 2 hours earlier and made up for the time he was away.

"I'll try,"

"You won't try, you will if you know what's good for you," I told Cole firmly as I straddled his lap. I leaned close and joined our lips together for a passionate kiss before pulling away abruptly and it was Cole's turn to groan as I pushed myself off of his lap.

"What did you do that for?" Cole asked with a pout. How adorable.

"Sorry were you enjoying that?" I asked and Cole nodded his head before trying to pull me back to him for another kiss but I moved away as he got closer. "No more Cole, you have to wait until after work.

"You'd better get going. The sooner you go, the sooner you can come back," I suggested.

"But I want more now," Cole whined.

"Tough, you can't. Now get ready," I pushed Cole into the bathroom, he tried to grab me but I hurriedly stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door with only Cole inside.

"Tegan I'll remember this," I heard Cole's voice say from inside the bathroom before I heard the water from the shower running.

10 minutes later, Cole returned from his shower with no clothes on and he was dripping wet, I couldn't help but check out his marvellous body.

"Like what you see?" Cole asked me as he saw me looking. I nodded my head and licked my lips. "Too bad this is off limits until I return or I would give you a closer view," Cole pointed at himself and smirked before reaching for a towel to get dry in front of me. I can see what he is trying to do here, he wants me to give in to him right now, that's why he is parading his body around before my eyes.

"Cole this isn't the time for showing off, get dressed or you'll be late for work," I warned. Cole huffed before he did as I said, it clearly wasn't the reaction he was hoping for.

"Quickly or there'll be no time for a goodbye kiss," I added as Cole was dressing in such a slow pace. When he heard me say 'goodbye kiss' he was dressed in a second and was already by my side. I felt his lips on mine before I knew what was happening. I quickly pulled away, I was serious about not giving him more until after work. Cole didn't look happy about that.

"Tegan why are you doing this?" Cole asked with a look of hurt. "I just want to kiss you goodbye or I will be restless all day at work,"

"Sorry but I said-" I began to say but Cole stopped me with a finger to my lips.

"It doesn't matter what you said, you don't have to stick to it," Cole said before removing his finger from my lips to replace it with his lips. This time I gave in and we kissed with so much passion, we were soon lost in our embrace which made it hard to pull away.

"You should go before I don't let you leave," I warned Cole when we eventually ended the kiss.

"Maybe I should stay, I'd like to see that," Cole replied.

"Cole you need to go," I pushed him away from me gently.

"What about breakfast?" Cole asked.

"You and your breakfast," I shook my head, Cole loves his food. "I'll pack you something and you can eat once you get to work,"

"But I want to have breakfast with you,"

"I know but if you stay you will never leave with the mood you're in," as I said that I made my way to the kitchen with Cole right behind me. I went to the refrigerator and took out eggs. I then made scrambled eggs on toast. I got some foil and placed half of the eggs on toast in the foil for Cole before wrapping it up. After placing in a food container I handed it to Cole. I took Cole's hand and walked him to the front door.

"Time to go," I said after handing Cole his jacket and car keys.

"If I didn't know any better. I'd say you were in a hurry for me to leave. Is that what's going on here?" Cole asked with a suspicious look.

"Of course not, you know I hate you leaving me for work but you have to go," I pecked Cole's lips quickly and pushed him gently out of the door. I watched Cole walk away and get into his car, he gave me a longing look before he drove away.

I closed the door and got started on my share of breakfast.

After breakfast, I had no idea of what to do with myself as usual when Cole wasn't at home. I ended up cleaning the house from top to bottom except Cole's office, I left that until last. I walked in and hesitated at first, I don't want to move anything around because Cole might like the way his office is and could get mad even though I know he'd never raise his voice or hand at me.

The office was really clean but I grabbed a duster and began dusting around anyway.

As I was cleaning a wall, something unexpected happened. A small green light appeared. I jumped back instinctively thinking danger was on its way but nothing happened. I moved forward, the light was still on the wall, I put my finger on it and that's when something did happen. The wall moved forward a little then began to slide to the side slowly and as it was sliding, I could make out a secret room behind it. When the wall had completely gone I found myself standing in an empty white room but Cole's office was still visible behind me.

I looked all around, maybe there was more to this empty room that I was able to see. I noticed another small green light to my right. I placed my finger on it and this time empty shelves began to come out of the walls, That's odd. Why does Cole have a room full of empty shelves? I moved closer to the shelves to have a better look, I gasped out loud when I realised the shelves weren't empty like I'd thought they were.

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