Chapter 7 [Part 1]

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1 week later

In the past week my routine had been pretty much the same everyday, I just stayed in the house with Cole, I didn’t bother going out again after what happened last week. Cole is as adorable as ever but he is a lot more clingy, he won’t let me put him down not even for a second. I have to be holding him at all times or he will cry and not stop until he’s in my arms, it’s pretty ridiculous.

“Cole,” I said softly as I held him in my arms on the couch. When Cole heard me say his name, he looked straight into my eyes.

“Are you going to let me put you down for a minute?” I asked. “I need to use the bathroom,”

I held out my hand and Cole put his hand in mine to mean ‘yes’.

“Good,” I placed him on the couch, I put cushions around him so he wouldn’t fall off while I was in the bathroom.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” I said before running to the bathroom with full speed. It’s weird Vampires use the toilet, when I was little I didn’t understand why we do or how we can because our bodies are dead. I’m also glad Cole doesn’t have to wear a nappy and for me to change it when he does his business, that’s all taken care of with the special pants he wears. When he does his business, the pants disintegrate. I’m glad for that because it would be awkward for me and embarrassing for Cole to have me change him. Bathing him is different, I don’t mind and Cole doesn’t mind either so it’s all good.

When I was done in the bathroom, I went back to Cole who put his arms out to me to be held. I sighed and pulled him into my arms so he was facing me.

“What am I going to do with you eh? You hate being out of my arms don’t you?” I asked. Cole only gazed into my eyes with love. That is so weird when he is a baby and it’s like he already loves me. I already love him too but that’s creepy with him looking at me like that all the time.

“You know you won’t be a baby for much longer and you won’t be able to be in my lap all day, then what will you do?” I asked. Cole obviously didn’t answer and just continued gazing into my eyes with his blue ones. I’ll miss his blue eyes, when he is a man again they will be black because he is a Demon. I sat Cole in my lap and so he was facing away from me, I can’t have him staring at me all the time.

I decided to give Diago a call because I was bored with being indoors all week. I pulled out the card with the number on that Diago had given me and dialled it into my phone. I was taken straight to voicemail. He must be busy, I’ll try again later.

“Cole do you mind if we go out in the garden?” I asked. Cole put his hand in mine to mean ‘yes’ so I happily went out into the garden for some fresh air.

The garden is ginormous. The floor is all bricks and empty except for a table and chairs which are covered by a massive umbrella so there is no mud, grass or flowers which is a shame but at least I can walk around for a bit.

After a bit of walking, I took a seat at one of the chairs. It’s a sunny day so I might as well sit out here for a bit.

A few minutes later, my phone began ringing. It’s an unknown number.

“Hello?” I asked when I answered the call.

“Hi, I got a call from this number about 15 minutes ago,” said a very familiar voice, it sounds like Diago.

“Diago is that you?” I asked.

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