
14 0 0

No no no. I was too embarrassed to stay in the building anymore. I just can't so i took my bag and left the building. I was getting stares and laughs from everyone in the corridor so i just took the private elevator. You didn't do this right Mr. Jonas. I know I'll be laughed at now. Should i resign? That'll help me escape it. Never run from your problems. Instead come out stronger. My mom's teaching came in my mind but mom how can I? I don't like people staring at me and if they do, then i stare back to make them uncomfortable but this.... I can't mom. I can't.

I took a cab and went to beachside. I wanted to go to a place full of greenery but i am too tired to go anywhere so i just came here. Surprisingly, it was empty. There was rarely any human. I sat down near the ocean and let the breeze cool my mind. While coming here, my mind was so full of negative thoughts but now when i have arrived and when i breath the fresh air,  i feel so good and my mind is calmed down. "It's gonna be okay. Calm down. Your strong enough to handle this." Whenever your running low of self esteem and feel insecure, always say self motivating things. It does affect your brain and your brain does effect your mood. Just.............inhale.............exhale...........inhale..........exhale. I am all calmed down now. This feels so nice. Cool air blowing through my hairs. Cold water touching my feet and going back. No human, no noise. It's all silent and peaceful. I took 2 more deep breaths.

Now let's think what to do about the incident. Resign.......um......nahh never an option. I am not going to run away from problems. Fight......um.......nahh i wanna be in a good mental state. And i very well know that if i start fighting, things won't go well cause i am aggressive inside. Ignore.....um......yeahh that's what i am gonna do. That's what i have been doing. Ignoring things isn't that easy. It'll trouble you, it'll bother you but if you know how to ignore negativity, things work out. It's been so long since i came to such a peaceful and calm place. I am loving it. Suddenly, i got a phone call. Ashton. No dude i am not answering it. I silenced the phone and kept it aside. It again buzzed. Can't he let me live in peace or atleast breath in peace? I wanted to ignore his call but then i got reminded that i am his PA still and this is working hours going on so i need to answer it.


"Where the heck are you? Why weren't you picking up my phone?"

"Good evening sir, very sorry that i left office early. I had some very important thing to do (breath in peace) and i didn't notice you calling me before so yeah..."

"Now tell me the truth, where are you?"

"Outside the building sir."

"I know that, what place are you at rn? Tell me I'll pick you up."

"Sir, i said i am outside building that means you don't need to worry about me. I'll get home safe."

"No arguments Jennifer, tell me where are you and what's with 'sir' ?"

"Sir, your my boss so i need to call you sir."

"But your out of building so you don't need to."

"No sir, that was when i was friends with you."

"You still are."

"Ohh no sir, don't think that. We are professionally related and that's it. I need to do something right now so i am hanging up and... I'll come to work from Monday sir, i need to be somewhere important. Have a good day."


I cut off the call before he could say anything. Once i am not calling you with your informal name or anything, we're done. I deliberately called him sir cause i knew it'll catch his attention, i wanted to make things clear without actually talking about it. Nice trick. I patted myself in my mind. All i want to do right now is just relax. Take a break from my hectic life and chill.

After i was done chilling out alone, i called Liz and told her everything. She was worried for me cause she knows i can be crazy when i am hurt or angry but i told her that i was all calmed down. Lizzie takes care of me and is so much worried about me always. She knows i am strong at stone. I can face anything and fight anything but she also knows that i am sensitive and child hearted. It's just me. I can be both. That's my speciality i suppose. Thank God liz is with that office guy. She told me his name was Jordan and they had mutual feelings for each other. God just imagine your crush having a crush on you (just imagine, don't expect anything beyond that). She's so lucky to have him.

And here i am, not really a mess but...not with someone too. It's okay I don't need anyone. I have been through my tough times alone so i am strong enough to face things. I can live without anyone and anything as long as i have myself cause the inner me very well know how to handle myself and get back up stronger. Talking about Ashton....my boss, I'll just do the work and leave. Minimal talking and interactions and more focus on work. Ignore all the stupid people murmuring things about me and live happily. It was a good decision to come at the beachside. It really helped me calm down and think nicely. Mother nature does wonders.

Since tomorrow i took off and Sunday is already a holiday, I'll go for some shopping tomorrow to buy some gifts and all and in evening I'll have to be at a place, will spend the night there and leave for my appartment in Sunday evening. Nice plan. It's been so long since i visited them last. They make me smile. Putting a smile on their faces is a healer to me. I visit them once a month and they are like my happy dose. Love to have them in my life.

Hope you liked the chapter (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Loads of love to y'all 💞

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