Seven | We Know How To Change Her

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I hadn't gone to the library for a few weeks now which mean that it's been a few months since I've been to see Jungkook and the others and they're probably wondering where I am but I've actually gotten behind in some of my work so I've been finishing it.

Today is Friday so this will be the last day I go back to the other world for a couple days which will be a few weeks for them.

I strolled down the halls of the college since I had a few minutes spare until art class.

"Hey gumdrop, how have you been?" Chan hugged me from behind which made me smile.

"I'm doing alright, how are you?" I placed my hands on his.


"Y/N! CHAN!" Our other friends Eunha, Sowon, Yuju and Kai ran over to us and engulfed us into a tight group hug.

"Hey! Where have you all been?!" I hugged them all back.

"We were away for a few days with our families, I'm sorry we forgot to tell you." Sowon explained and my mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"Don't worry, it's fine." I smiled at them. "I missed you all so much." I hugged them individually "Wahh! Put me down Kai!" He had picked my up and spun me around.

"No, I missed to too much!" He wiggled us side to side and I laughed.

"And you didn't miss me?" Chan put a fake puppy eyes expression on and Kai rolled his eyes.

"Not as much as this cutie." He kissed my cheek felt wrong.

Don't get me wrong, he always kisses my cheek in a friendly way but, I don't know if it's because I've met Jungkook and know that I'm his mate or whatever but it felt very wrong.

"Stoppppp, don't kiss my cheek anymore." I pouted at him.

"Why not? You used to love them??" He looked at me weirdly before he gasped. "WAIT! Do you have a boyfriend?!" He shouted which made the others look at me with wide eyes.

"What? No!" I backed away.

"Are you sure~" he teased my tickling me.

"I'm sure!" I laughed as I swatted his hands away. "I need to get to class so bye, I'll see you soon." I waved to them as I walked away and they waved back.


"Good job everyone. And don't forget that your first final piece is due within three weeks!" Miss Lang reminded the rest of the students before they left the room. "Hey Y/N, are you going to the library now?" I nodded my head "Can you take these with you please? I have work that needs marking and I don't have much time?"

"S-Sure." I quickly packed away the rest of my stuff and took the books from her hands.

"Thank you sweetie."

I bowed to her before walking out and headed to the library.

"Mrs Ch-Cha here are some b-books from Miss La-Lang."

"Oh thank you, and here's your key." We traded the boos for the key and I bowed again to her before walking to the door that held many secrets.

Locking the door behind me, I place the key on the table and go over to the book and pull on it and like always, the wall moved to the side and a turquoise colour appears before the exact forest is seen. I step through with confidence until my feet land on a pile of leaves and I look around.

I didn't see anybody so I just followed my gut and walked in a direction that I seem familiar with. Stepping over twigs, rocks and logs, my foot didn't lift all the way when I stepped over a log causing me to trip over with a thud and a hiss from my lips as I cut open my ankle.

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