Thirty Five | Lots Of Info

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Yoongi PoV

Next day

"Yoongi, my dad just called and he wants the both of us to go see him— he said it's urgent." My only elder brother said.

"Alright, Namjoon you're in charge of these children and if you break anything you can handle that with Jungkook." The said male nodded while reading his book.

I got up and followed Jin out the house and we turned into our wolf forms since his father lives a little far. We soon reached there and went to the basement to change into some clothes before going back up and in the house by the front door.

"Hello dad, how are you?" Jin gave his father a hug.

"Hey son, I'm doing alright as you can tell— I'm still alive." He chuckled lightly while Jin grinned. "Sit down, this is important for your pack."

We immediately sat down and looked at him intently. "What is it about dad?"

"It's about your Luna." Our eyebrows furrowed which made him carry on. "I heard that there is going to be a fight in the mountains in a few months between us and the rogues."

"Yes, what about it?" I asked.

"Jung Wooyoung. He's going to be there as a rogue and we all know how powerful he is."

"Yes, he smells something he likes and he'll do anything to get it. What about him?" Jin asked still confused.

"Hyung, he was at the Luna celebration so that means—" I looked at Mr Kim and he nodded. "he wants Y/N..." I sighed.

"I'm well aware that Y/N is the strongest amongst all of you but against Wooyoung...I'm not too sure. His strength gets seventeen times more powerful when he's driven by something along with anger and frustration when he can't get it."

"We can't exactly tell her to stay away from the fight because she's the strongest one and will be a big help..." Jin said.

"We need to tell Alpha." I came to a conclusion.

Mr Kim grabs my attention. "If she ends up going to the fight, keep her protected. She may be able to protect others with her powers but, she can't protect herself. You see, because she's a half and half, it makes it harder. If she gets bitten by a vampire and they inject their venom into her, she'll become a full vampire but will still have her wolf traits, since she did take those injections and they will stay in her blood forever. The reason why she didn't look or act like a new born vampire when she fully transformed was because she's half werewolf, werewolf's overpowers vampires unless more of the vampires venom is in the system than werewolf."

"Hang on, she's the missing Royal Princess and the Royals are all vampires so..." I rubbed my face trying to put everything together.

"That doesn't matter, she's been in the human world for so long that it killed her vampire self because she deprived it of blood which made her just a normal human." I nodded as I understood it.

"Alright, anymore things to drop on us?" I asked.

"Y/N might have trouble with conceiving pups...with everything that has been in her body and the transformation with her bones breaking and the injections...she might have problems."

"Alright, thank you for telling us Mr Kim and it was good seeing you."

"You two kid."

"Bye dad."

We went to the basement and grabbed a pair of clothed me before turning into our wolf forms and going to the Alpha and Luna's house. We quickly got changed and knocked on the door for it to open with Jungkook hugging Y/N tightly.

"Hey guys, come in!" She moved out the way and let us in.

We sat down on the sofa and Jungkook sat on the single chair before pulling Y/N onto his lap. Cute.

"We just got called to Mr Kim's house for an urgent talk's confusing. It's a little unexpected but it's best for you both to know." They nodded with all seriousness in their expressions.

"That fight that's taking place in a few months is between us and the werewolf and vampire rogues. You said that a man came up to you during the Luna celebration and his name was Jung Wooyoung." She nodded. "He's a rogue Vampire. He has this thing where his strength gets seventeen times more stronger when he's driven by something— a smell—  and frustrated when he can't get it. And this smell that he happens to want, is you."

I saw Jungkook's grip on her tighten slightly and his jaw clench.

"We can't keep you away from the fight because you're the strongest one amongst us and you also have really powerful powers. So we thought that you should join the fight and soon split off with somebody that isn't Jungkook and have a separate fight with Wooyoung."

"But if he has more strength than me then how am I supposed to defeat him?" She asked me when suddenly her eyes unfocused and she slumped backwards onto Jungkook.

"I guess we'll find out in a few minutes." Jin joked and Jungkook glared at him while putting Y/N's head on his chest comfortably.

It was weird whenever Y/N would see the future, her eyes would say open without blinking and they unfocused as if she was looking right through you.

"Holy shit." Y/N slowly sat up once she regained consciousness and looked at me and narrows her eyes at me.


She shook her head. "I can't tell or else it won't happen." She said leaving us in suspense.

"Also, Y/N if you get bitten by a vampire and they pass their venom into your bloodstream, you'll become a full vampire but will keep your werewolf and vampire powers." Jin finally spoke.

"One more thing..." I sighed. "Y/N, I'm sorry but it will be difficult for you to conceive pups because of the transformation and it cracking your bones and because of the injections..."

"...oh..." was the only thing that she said as her body slumped.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it just means that we'll just have to try harder than some people." She smiled but I could see the pain in her eyes.

"We're gunna go and give you both some privacy, again, we're sorry." Jin grabbed my arm and pulled me up and we went back to the pack house.

I'm sorry you guys have to go through all of this because you love each other.

It's like Romeo and Juliet.


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