Twenty Seven | Unpacking

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Walking through the front door to my house with my hand engulfed my Jungkook's, I spot my dad on top of my brother as my mom stood next to them with her hand held up high with an oh-too-familiar object — thee flip flop.

"Ah hello Jungkook!" Mom gleamed once she saw Jungkook and quickly put her flip flop back on before coming over.

"Hello." He slightly bowed while chuckling as dad scrambled off of Yeonjun with the remote in his hands.

"How was the sleepover?" Yeonjun turned his head to us.

"It was...eventful." I nervously said as my mind instantly reversed to the first night of events.

"I'm glad you kids had fun." Dad said while switching the channel to a cooking channel.

"Mhm we did, mom, Jungkook's going to be staying the night again...can he sleep in my room?"

"Of course honey I trust you, and I also trust that Jungkook won't do anything to you." She rubbed my upper arm.

"Thank you, I didn't want to make him sleep on the sofa again."

"No problem, if your dad has anything against it then just call me." She winked at me and giggled lightly. "What do you want for lunch?" She glanced at me and Jungkook.

"Anything will do."
"Anything will do." We said simultaneously.

"Alright, go unpack and I'll call you both down when it's ready."

"Okay thanks mom."

"Thanks Mrs Choi."

"Your welcome."

We skipped up the stairs and I started unpacking straight away as Jungkook sat on my bed and stared at me.

"What are you looking at?" I raised a brow at him.

"Your concentration face is so cute! Your little pout on your lips and your eyebrows crashing together— Argh I can't handle it!" He dramatically rolled over in my bed making me laugh.

"Shut up and get off the bag."

He did as told when he abruptly sat up and looked at me once again. "Is this what it's going to feel like when you're unpacking our bag from our honeymoon?" He excitedly widened his eyes and I giggled.


"Except, you wouldn't be doing it because I would be." Grabbing my hips, he pulled me in between his legs and hugged my waist to rest his head on my boobs.

"You're so cute," I rubbed his back. "but I still need to unpack this bag." He whined at me making me smile.

"So mean." He shoved me to the side.

"Whatever." I threw the piece of cloth that was in my hands and it landed on his face.

When I saw what I threw at him my eyes widened and my breathing stopped.

"Nice panties baby." Jungkook smirked at me and I just wanted the ground to open and swallow me. "Never thought you were a lace type of girl." He added more fuel to the fire and I wanted to shrink.

"Shut up." I mumbled as I took them out of his hands and into the washing basket.


Hopping out the shower and getting dressed into a pair of warm fluffy pyjamas, I walked into my bedroom to get a sudden kiss on my lips before heard a little giggle. I looked up to see a smiley Jungkook with his nose scrunched up making his bunny smile appear.

"What was that for?" I smiled.

"Nothing I just felt surprising you." He took the towel out my hands and sat me down on my bed before crawling behind me.

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