Nineteen | Hello Royals

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As they walked into the castle with me hanging onto Jungkook's front, they exchanged words with a few men before they were led even further.

"You can look up now gorgeous." Jungkook whispered in my ear.

I looked up slowly and pecked his cheek delicately before looking around and I was amazed. The walls were practically made of gold as they shon under the light of every crystal chandelier that was hung on the very textured and decorated oval ceiling that had paintings on. The floor was clean, waxed and polished very well which shows that it's a hygienic place. It was classy and elegant which was very pleasing to the eyes and jaw dropping gorgeous which made it difficult to describe in words.

"It's beautiful..." I muttered.

"Just like you." Jungkook pecked my jaw with a sly smirk which I just ignored.

"Can you put me down now?"

"Sure angel." He quickly placed me onto my feet and intertwined our hands down by our side before we caught up to the others after slacking for those couple seconds.

We stopped at two men that were holding spears in an X in front of a VERY tall door and Jin talked to them for a few moments before they let the 15 of us through. There was a large table that was set up in the middle of the room as light music was played from a small radio on a small table beside the wall on the right next to a guard. A woman that looked very feminine and elegant sat on a large throne next to a male that looked almighty and intimidating yet soft as they sat opposite another male at the other end of the long table. He looked handsome, kind and sweet.

"You guys came!" The handsome young man stood up with a smile once he noticed us and came over.

Jackson: Y/N bow when we do.

I mentally nodded.

"Hello your highness." Jin spoke and they started bowing from the front to the back in a swift motion to which I followed.

"Ahhh no need to be so formal we're all best friends! Oh! I see you bought a friend?" He smiled at me politely.

"Hello your Highness, my name's Choi Y/N." I bowed to him gently.

"Hello Y/N, nice to meet you my name's Eric Nam." He slightly bowed back as he eyed up my neck.

He's a vampire.

"Come and sit down boys and have something to eat." The female said with a smile and we all followed her instructions.

Jungkook pulled me slightly by my hand to follow him to a chair between Eric and himself. They all sat down and started to fill their plates as I sat back and waited for them all to get what they wanted. Eventually all there was left were some grapes, half a handful of chicken, a slice of bread and a boiled egg.

That will do.

I picked up all that and started eating when I felt a pair of eyes on me but I stayed staring at my plate and eating the small amount of food.

Mark: The woman sitting over there is the Queen and the male sitting next to her is the King which means Eric is the Prince.
Me: Okay thanks for telling me Mark.
Mark: No problem.

I looked at the royals for a few seconds and I could see Eric staring intently at his parents before glancing at me and back to them and they both soon turned their attention to me.

"Are you alright baby?" Jungkook whispered as he placed his hand on my thigh under the table and caressed it.

"Yeah I'm fine." I breathed out with a slight smile.

"So," the King spoke up as he placed his silverware down on his plate as his plate was now empty. "who would like to do the honers of telling why you're all here?"

"Actually were here for Y/N." The royals' attention turns back to me with an eyebrow raised and I suddenly feel intimidated.

"What for dear?" The Queen asks intrigued.

"We actually need your consent to show that she's no threat." Yoongi speaks up.

"Mhm? But she's just a vam—"

"She's half vampire and half werewolf...your majesty."

The room fell silent as the Royals and guards looked at me shocked. I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

"All we need is to prove to you that she's no threat to any kind and check if she has any powers then you'll have to put it public." Jungkook said as he grabbed my hands under the table.

"Does she have a mate yet?" Eric finally speaks.

"I'm her mate."

"How sweet." The Queen smiled and my cheeks darken.

"That's good then..."

"We haven't mated yet because she was a human...from a different world and we originally planned to turn her into a wolf but one of the syringes was of vampires blood and also because she wasn't ready."

"I see...what's her wolf fur colour?" The King asks as he leans back into his chair.

"Snow White." Jungkook replied.

All the Royals suddenly freeze at the reply given to them and they seemed to have mind linked each other as they spaced out while looking at Eric. A few awkward minutes passed and the King coughs to break the ice.

"What was the first drop of blood that she tasted?"

"Animal blood."

"Alright then, shall we get on with it straight away then?" He stood up while wiping the corner of his lips with a napkin and his beautiful wife copies.

"Sure, let's go love." Jungkook patted my thigh gently and everyone got up.

"Actually, can it only be me, my wife, my son, Y/N and Jungkook?" The King asked.

"Of course your majesty!" They all bowed to him and the other two before sitting back down.


"So what do I have to do?" I asked as we walked past some guards that opened the door to outside.

"Since you're in your vampire form already, we'll test if you're capable of being around humans without sucking the life out of them."


"Go on then dear, come back in 30 minutes."

"Okay, see you soon Your Majesty." I slightly bowed to them before walking away into the field of humans.

As I passed each person, their scent filled my nose and mind. My 'natural' blood red eyes darted to each person before they glued themselves to the path in front of me and scanned over the pieces of gold flakes embedded into the marble cement.

How long has passed? I feel like it's been 10 minutes.

"Hello, do you know where the bathroom is?" A human came up to me and asked.

"Umm I think it's that way." I pointed to the left.

"Okay thank you." They smiled at me before jogging off.

I walked to a little bench nearby and sat down to take in the view of the mortals talking amongst each other. A little while later I decided to go back since it had been a while and I somehow didn't feel the need or thirst to drink any of their blood.

"I'm back." I stood next to Jungkook and they all looked at me.

"No blood?" I shook my head at the Queen with a smile. "That's great!" She patted my shoulder.

"How about we see if you have any powers?" Eric suggested and I nodded my head. "Come with me
Y/N." He nudged his head to follow him.

"See you in a bit." Jungkook mumbled as he pressed his lips on mine and I kissed back.

"See ya sweetie." I giggled before quickly catching up to Eric and leaving Jungkook with the King and Queen.


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