Back In Time

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A week later

The Phoenix Foundation Of Justice Headquarters

Level 100

"You wanna what?" Dr Ratchet,Sarah and Alberto asked at the same time staring at Edward like he was insane.

"I wanna go back in time and ask Ezra for speed equations on how to get fast." Edward replied.

Sarah looked down and she said"We can figure something out like we always do."

"How? We've tried everything." Edward said in annoyance.

The three didn't say a word, Edward said "Exactly."

"Okay Justin what day are you traveling back to?"Dr Ratchet asked.

"Well November 13, 2029." Edward said and he then cleared his throat awkwardly.

"And are you sure this is a good idea?" Alberto asked.

"I'm sure-ish." Edward replied.

"Ish. What do you mean by that?" Sarah enquired.

"I...Look it doesn't matter okay. I'm doing this okay?" Edward said.

"Well in that case Godspeed Justin." Dr Ratchet said.

An hour later

Edward was in his Speedster suit, he exhaled sharply and he began his run. The team watched Ed's GPS signal moving around the building, Edward was going at the speed of Mach two, a wormhole formed and he propelled himself into the breach.

Edward focused on November 13,2029.


November 13,2029

Children's Hospital


Edward came out of the breach and he smiled "I made it." A flash of orange electricity sped inside the hospital.


"Stop!" Past Edward said. The woman looked at the back it was Becky O'Connor and she asked "You must be The Speedster?" Edward from 2031 sped inside and took his younger self out. "Coward!!!" Becky yelled.


Edward put his younger self on the wall, his younger self looked at him weirdly and asked "How are you me?"

"Don't worry this will all make sense later." Edward said. Edward was about to knock out his younger self,but the latter slipped through his hands and the two began racing all over the alley. Edward swatted his younger self's leg, the latter hit a backflip and landed on a fire escape. Edward ran around the wall in a circular motion, the younger self jumped on the ground and Edward hurled a lightning bolt to the latter. The latter hit the ground hard, he got knocked out and Edward said, "Sorry me." Edward quickly changed into his past suit leaving the suit on his younger self.


Edward ran inside, he shoved Becky on the wall hard knocking her out.

Back at The Phoenix Foundation Of Justice

Level 100

Edward sped inside and reverted back into his casual clothes. "Becky is locked on the cell." Alberto would ask "You weren't wearing that?" Edward looked at his clothes and he said "Well... I decided to go change my clothes."

Alberto looked at his tablet and asked,"How did you get so fast?" "What?" Edward asked. "I mean you were going close to Mach two." Alberto said. Edward's eyes widened and he said, "Maybe the suit's telemetry is getting outdated."

"Yeah." Alberto said. Edward zipped out of the room. "Is it me or is he acting weirder than usual?"Mark asked. Alberto looked at Mark and said "I think you may be right."

Ezra's hideout

Ezra was busy fiddling with some device, Ezra looked at the back and he saw Edward.

"Ah Edward."Ezra said. Edward waved his hand and he said "I need your help. Ezra stood up and asked "With what?" "I need your help with something." Edward replied.

Edward sped out of the room, he came back with a board and he jotted down some equations on the board. Ezra looked at the equations with fascination and he said "That's incredible you want to get faster." Edward looked at the back and said "Yes."

"I'll help you." Ezra said. Edward looked at the back and said "Okay so-" Ezra punched Edward at the back of the neck knocking him out.

An hour later

Ezra was sitting on a chair watching the sleeping Edward, Edward woke up, he saw his hands chained and he tried to phase out but it didn't work.

"Ooh. You know that technique-" Ezra said. Edward looked at Ezra and said "Let me go Ezra." "You're from the future aren't you?" Ezra asked. "Yeah so what if I am?" Edward asked.

"You fool! Don't you know that time travel is forbidden!?" Ezra asked. Edward sighed and said "Let me go." Ezra vibrated his hand and he said "If you are here that means I never win."

"Wait,wait,wait.You win, you defeat me and you go to the realm." Edward said. Ezra stopped his vibrating hand, he took out a flash drive from his pocket, he sliced Edward's chains and he handed the flash drive to Edward.

"Take this it has everything you will need." Ezra said. Ezra took out a flash drive from his pocket.

"Well... You're just gonna give me the flash drive?" Edward inquired.

"I don't want you here any longer. You've already ruptured the timeline even more so..." Ezra replied.

"Thanks." Edward said but it was hard enough for him to ask the man who killed his mother for help.

"Now go away!" Ezra snapped. Edward took the flash drive and he sped off.

Back at Phoenix

Past Edward sped inside and he asked "Where is he?" Alberto looked at the suit Edward was wearing and he exclaimed"Nice suit!" Edward looked at the suit and he said "This isn't mine."

"Actually I might be able to explain." A voice from behind said. The others turned around to see there was another Edward.

Mark took out his gun and fired two bullets. Edward caught the bullets and he said "Whoa, whoa,... Just calm down I am Edward."

"Dude I am Edward." Past Edward said. Alberto looked at the two and asked "What's Edward favorite movie?"

"Transformers." Past Edward said. Alberto pointed at Edward and he said "Aha imposter!"

"Dude my favorite line is...(clears throat) (imitating Megatron's voice) We want the AllSpark." Edward said. Alberto then looked at Past Edward and he said "You're the imposter."

"No one is an imposter. I am you actually two years from now." Edward said. Past Edward smirked and asked "Wait are you saying your from the future?"

"Yes I can time travel." Edward replied. "Wait I can do that?" Past Edward asked. Edward quickly took his Speedster suit from his younger self and wore it.

"Hold on why were you here?" Mark asked. Edward would say "I came here to get some information." Past Edward went to his future self and Edward whispered "Whatever's gonna happen please be strong." Past Edward nodded and Edward sped away.

Back at the present

Edward sped inside and he said "I'm back!" "Did you even go?" Alberto asked. Edward looked at Dr Ratchet and said "I have it."

Edward put the flash drive on the cyber desk and nothing happened.

"Was something supposed to happen?" Dr Ratchet asked. Edward's face changed and then suddenly a hologram was projected with equations and Dr Ratchet said "With this you can become even faster."

"Yeah I hope so." Edward said with a smile

The Speedster 2: ReckoningWhere stories live. Discover now