Entry #2

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(Name) POV

'Who is this?'

I facepalmed at the response I was given, feeling a little stupid and a little miffed at the same time.

Deciding to be a bit of a troll, I took a picture of myself with an empty Pocky box and a blank expression.

After sending that and making sure it was seen, I sent a simple message, which just so happened to say 'Me bitch.'

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I sent another one. 'Look, can't you use your celebrity connections to get that picture and my face off of trending or something?'

'Do you just think all celebrities have connections? That makes us sound like criminals or something.'

I could sense the snark in that message and I did NOT appreciate it.

'Well, aren't you all criminals?'

'Not all of us.'

'Sounds like something a criminal would say.'

She sent me the basic eye-rolling emoji. 'Whatever, anyway, I was supposed to address this sooner or later? Wanna join my live?'

'Ew, the fuck. No.' Was my immediate response. 'Why put more attention on me? I prefer not to be seen with you ever again.'

'You say that as if it's a bad thing.'

'Well it's definitely not the best thing that happened to me. To reiterate, I will not be joining, good day to you.'

'Found your Instagram page! Celebrity connections, remember?'

'Fuck you and your connections.'

Tossing my phone onto my bed and ignoring the multiple dings I heard from it, I looked at the clock and hummed softly.

"Ah, my favorite time of day, dinner."

I jumped out of my chair and stepped out of my room. Stepping into my kitchen/living room, I walked to a cabinet and opened it, revealing only a loaf of bread and some instant ramen.

I let out a disappointed sigh. "Ah, gotta love being a barely managing 20 something."

After getting done brooding for a few minutes, I slammed the cabinet closed.

"Looks like we're eating out tonight."


Ah, Piltover.

I absolutely love it here, it is where I grew up after all.

The lights, the people, the way the polluted air makes my lungs burn every time I breathe.

Maybe that was just the place I lived though.

Growing up here had its advantages. An example being I knew where basically everything was, so I already knew where I was going.

I opened the door to a restaurant, hearing the usual ring from the bell as I walked inside.

"(Name)! It's been a while? Where have you been?" A girl with pink hair and blue eyes exclaimed from behind the counter.

I didn't answer at first, choosing to sit in one of the stools and make myself comfortable. "Here and there, eating green eggs and ham and what not."


"You wouldn't get it, Seraphine."

The girl gave a confused huff before handing me a menu. "Seriously, you haven't been here in forever? Something happen?"

"Became trending on Twitter overnight." It was only after I said this that I regretted my brutal honesty.

"Really, why?" She queried as she leaned forward.

My mouth moved once more before I could stop it. "People think I'm K/DA Ahri's boyfriend."

Curse me and my stupid honesty.

The girl's eyes widened considerably as she stared him down.

"You're...not kidding?" She slowly asked.

"Get me a #5 with extra sauce and a large Sprite, and maybe I'll make explain the rest to you."

This was all the motivation she needed as she rushed into the back, coming out a few minutes later with my order. "Okay, go."

I took a small bite of my food and hummed in distaste. "This is too salty, take it back."

The girl just glared at me, making me raise a brow.

"The one time I try to be funny, oh well."

Once I stopped messing with her, I explained the full situation. To say she was surprised would be an understatement.

"You mean to tell me that this entire thing started over a box of Pocky?" She asked, rubbing her temples.

"In my defense, Pocky slaps harder than a step-dad named Kevin." I spoke before shrugging softly.

"Dude..you met THE Ahri! Isn't that exciting!" I could tell by her voice that she was a little frustrated with me.

"Considering I didn't even know who she was until like, two nights ago, not really." I said honestly. "Her ears were pretty cool though, I guess."

"You're hopeless."

"And you're a sweetheart for making me this food, kisses, mwah." I said sarcastically as I blew a half-hearted kiss at her.

She blew a raspberry at me, making me chuckle softly.

"Whatever, just pay your bill and leave." Despite her words, it was easy to tell that she was kidding.

"Yeesh, I put in the effort to come visit my favorite worker, and this is the thanks I get. No tip for you."


We exchanged laughter for a few seconds before it got silent.

"Hey, don't just up and disappear again, I was worried about you." She said seriously.

Fuck being serious.

"Guess I'll have to warn you before I go into another 100 year hibernation."

This got a soft giggle out of the girl.

Suddenly, her voice was called as her head whipped to the back. She looked back at me for a few seconds with reluctance in her eyes. "Come back soon?" She asked.

"Only if you're here." The shit-eating grin on my face must've been huge.

Her cheeks became a little flushed as she smiled at me. "I'll hold you to it, bye (Name)!" She gave me a wave before running into the back of the restaurant.

I let out a small sigh and reached into my pocket, whipping my wallet out and prepared to pay before a small wad of cash was put in front of me.

Blonde hair invaded his vision as my eye twitched softly.

"Looks like we meet again."

"Oh god it's you." Was all I managed to get out before my eyes slowly dragged upwards to look at her.

It was Ahri in all of her glory, well as much glory as a snap back would allow.

Only this time, she wasn't alone.

Three girls stood behind her, all with differing expressions.

This was not going to be good for my health.

"Seraphine, get me a beer!"

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