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3𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝗼𝐧

"Osaaamuuuuu!" a blond haired male yelled, knocking on his brothers door.

Osamu Miya, a scary 17 year old alpha that doesn't care about anyone else except his family.

Osamu had already started getting ruts, each time he did he would stay in his room all day, only going out to get some food. Since they're family, his pheromones don't have an effect on Atsumu.

The blond haired male kept repeatedly knocking on Osamu's door.

Osamu lazily got up.

He slammed the door open, glaring at his twin brother.

"Atsumu shut the fuck up its early." he sternly said.

Atsumu flinched a bit, hiding behind his room door that was right across Osamu's.

Atsumu Miya, a smaller version of Osamu. He was was an omega with blond dyed hair. Atsumu was quite the opposite of Osamu, he was bubbly, soft, and loved getting attention. He was very sassy at times.

Atsumu was already 17, but since male omegas get their heats later than females, Atsumu still hasn't started his heats.

"hey don't get angry with me ya old man! (nickname due to Osamus grey dyed hair) anyways, the reason I was knocking on your door so PEACEFULLY, is becauseeee.." Atsumu trailed off.

"ITS OUR FIRST DAY AT ITACHIYAMA!" he bursted out, making Osamu cover his ears.

The Miya family has recently moved to Tokyo, due to Osamu and Atsumu's father opening a new business there.

Osamu scoffed.

"yea whatever, it's still early, lower yer god damn voice" Osamu slightly growled making Atsumu frown a bit.

"heh heh, um GET READY!" Atsumu shouted pointing a finger at his brother.

Osamu almost never growled at him, unless really annoyed.

Atsumu always got a bit scared was Osamu did growl at him, I mean Osamu is SCARY, especially when mad.

"Osamu dont growl at your brother!" their mom yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

You can say the Miya family was "rich". They had a lot of money, they just didn't like to show it.

Their house:

"yea yea" Osamu went back into his room to change

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"yea yea" Osamu went back into his room to change.

Soon after, they were called down for breakfast.

"kids!! breakfast is ready! ya guys have 10 minutes to eat before i drop you guys off!" their mom shouted.

Atsumu came out of his room with the uniform on.

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