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i'm going to continue this fanfic :)


3rd person

The bell rings as Atsumu walks into class, finding a spot for both him and his new friend.

"right here omi!" Atsumu sat down, gesturing for the taller male to sit next to him.

The taller male stared at him.

"don't call me that.." he quietly said.

He quickly unzipped his bag and started wiping the seat and table down. Atsumu looks at him in awe as Sakusa was wiping down the area.

"put out your hands." Sakusa said as he was holding his hand sanitizer in his hands.

Atsumu did as he was told and hand sanitizers was sprayed on his hands.

Sakusa sat down next to him, putting his items away.

"so.. do ya do that every class?" Atsumu asked raising his brows.

Sakusa hummed a simple mhm.

"hmmmm yer not much of a talker huh? it's okay, you'll warm up to me soon!" Atsumu said with a cheeky grin.

"Okay everyone, welcome to art! Today is going to be an easy day since it's the first day. Since many of you probably don't know your partners, introduce yourself to them! While you do that, listen for your name while I do role." The teacher said with a smile.

Atsumu quickly turned to Sakusa.

"hey there omi!" Atsumu said as he leaned his head on his head with a smile.

Sakusa silently looked at him.

"miya" he said in a monotone voice.

"I told ya to call me atsumu, not miya!" Atsumu said with a frown.

"too bad" he simply said.

"sigh, yer so mean omi, anyways tell me about yerself!" he said as he raised his hand since the teacher called his name for role.

"there's nothing to tell." he said as he adjusted himself on his seat. He was leaning on the back of his chair, hands in his pocket.

"what do you mean there's nothing, you're so silly omi, there's plenty! like ermmm why not tell me about your mysophobia" Atsumu said. Atsumu was sitting in his chair, head on his hand and his body slightly turned in Sakusas direction.

Sakusa frowned.

"why would you wanna hear about that?" he said, lifting his brow.

"so you can be comfortable! i don't want to do anything that will get ya mad."

"i wouldn't get mad, i just don't like it. i hate touching things without knowing if it's clean or not. just the thought of all the germs makes me cringe. i hate when people are near me. they're filthy. i don't even let my own family touch me, if they want to be near me they have to have taken showers and they gotta use hand sanitizer." he said as he raised his hand for role.

sakuatsu + osasuna omegaverse Where stories live. Discover now