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3rd person

Sakusa then realized what he was doing, he quickly retracted himself from hugging the smaller male, nervously putting a hand on the back of his neck.

"uh sorry.." he quietly said.

Atsumu looked and him and smiled.

"it's okay! thank ya for helping me, what's yer next class?"

The bell rings.

"art, room 72." Sakusa replies, heading towards the class.

Atsumu quickly follows the male.

"REALLYY ME TOO! My name is Atsumu Miya, but as you saw, I have a twin so call me Atsumu!" Atsumu excitingly says, blabbling about other random stuff as they walked off.

Osamu then realized what happened.

"wait.. HEY!! ATSUMU GET BACK HERE!" Osamu yelled hoping his brother would hear him, but the two were already turning to the next hallway.

Suna put a hand on Osamus shoulder.

"it's okay, your brothers in good hands, now let's go to class we're already late mister" Suna grabs Osamus wrist, dragging him along with him.

"HEY WHAT ABOUT ME :(" Komori shouted running after them.

"GO TO YOUR CLASS DUMBASS" Suna yelled at the beta.


"tch whatever." Suna scoffed as he let go of Osamus wrist.

"you should be nicer to yer cousin, foxy." Osamu said, patting the smaller ones head.

"foxy? hm.. anyways, i'm Komori! and you're Osamu if i'm correct..?" Komori said, bringing out his hand it shake Osamus.

Osamu hummed as he shook Komoris hand.

"sooo you and suna eh- OW" Komori was saying before getting smacked by Suna.

"shut up and keep walking" Suna crossed his arms.

Osamu chuckled as they walked into their class.

with Atsumu :D

"oh right! , i never caught yer name, what's yer name??" Atsumu asked, turning his head slightly to the side.

Sakusa glanced at him.

"Sakusa." Sakusa blankly answered, no emotion in his voice or expression.

"woww yer cold, but what's yer first name" Atsumu raised an eyebrow as the two began quickening their pace to their class.

Sakusa raised his brow.

"why should i tell you that, hm?"

"well um because i wanna be friends!"

"we can be friends, or whatever you wanna call it, with you knowing my last name, no reason for you to know my first." Sakusa said, looking at the ladders blond piss hair.

Atsumu pouted in defeat, crossing his arms as well.

The walk stayed silent for a minute or two before Sakusa sighed, he spoke in almost a whisper.

"..Kiyoomi" Sakusa silently said.

Atsumu's eyes lit up.

"OMIII" He shouted as he stopped in his tracks.

"what? no, it's not "omi" i said kiyoomi." Sakusa corrected him, slightly putting his hand on the omegas waist to keep him walking so they weren't late for class.

"i know i heard you, omi is much easier and cuter though so it's like a little nickname" Atsumu said with a smile.

"tch what a weirdo, stop calling me that, we're not close, now hurry we have a minute to get to class." Sakusa said looking at his phone.

Atsumu shrugged his shoulders as he hurried to their class.

"still gonna call you omi thoughh" Atsumu whispered.

Sakusa scoffed as he opened the door for the shorter male.


𝗜 𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝘇𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀/𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿𝘀!

𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝘆!

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