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𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝗺𝐮'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I slowly opened the door, walking in, all eyes were on me. All the chatter stopped, attention focused on me.

"oh hello sweetie, you must be new right?" the female teacher asked politely.

I nodded my head.

"okay, go ahead and introduce yourself!" she sweetly said.

"hi! Atsumu Miya, Omega, 17 years old, andd i have a twin !" I proudly said with a grin.

"he's cute"

"looks hot"

"omg the omega!"

The class started to whisper.

As i was looking around the class, i spotted a seat next to certain light-browned hair beta.

I quickly took noticed of him, i saw him with that alpha at the entrance.

I quickly took the seat next to him, sparking a conversation.

"hey there!, what's yer name?" I said with a little wave.

"heya!, i'm Motoya Komori" he responded with a smile.

Motoya Komori, a light-browned hair beta with thick eyebrows. He was known for the 'energetic' one in the little trio of the cousins.

We were about to continue chatting until we heard the teacher clap two times.

"okay darlings! i will be going to a meeting, i'll be back soon, please behave yourselves!" she sweetly announced.

I then turned back to Komori, about to talk to him, but people started to swarm me.

"um can we be friends?"

"hey shawty you mad fine~"

People were surrounding us, at the moment i really didn't want attention so i told them off.

"please go back to yer seats and chit-chat with yer friends, i would like to talk with Komori-kun." I politely said.

Most of them left, except for a few alphas and omegas.

"fucking pricks don't listen." i thought to myself as i glared at them.

The omegas quickly left, making me feel relieved.

However these two alphas wouldn't go, so annoying.

"your little glare may scare off them mutts, not us though." the black haired alpha said.

(these are made up characters lmfao) Both alphas were tall, not much taller though, i'd say about 3-4 inches taller.

One had black hair, tattoos all over his arms, you can tell he wasn't any good. The other wasnt much better. He had orangey blonde hair, black undercut, with loads of piercings.

Yes i do think piercings are mad sexy, not his though.

He looked like a total goof.

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