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3𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝗼𝐧

Osamu silently walked in.

"okay last is Sun-" the teacher started but got interrupted.

"oh seems like we got a late student, mind trying to come up with a good excuse?" the female teacher bluntly said, giving Osamu a little attitude.

The class started to whisper.

"wait that's that hot alpha at the entrance!"

"omg were in the same class as him!

"there ain't no trying to come up with an excuse if i was getting my schedule." Osamu replied back with a little glare, holding up the paper. 

"didn't you get one in the mail during summer break" the teacher shot back raising her brow.

"first off, please stop with that attitude and second, i'm new to this school, i didn't attend here last year."

"tsk, whatever introduce yourself to the class then, i'll let you off the hook this one time." the teacher rolled her eyes.

Osamu slightly glared at her.

"Osamu Miya, Alpha, 17, I have a twin so don't call me Miya." he said with an expressionless face, looking around the room for a seat.

There seat was in the very back, next to a brunette.

As he was looking at the seat he noticed a particular brown haired male.

It was the omega at the entrance.

He was looking out the window, the sun shining perfectly on him.

"you can go sit down now." the teacher whispered.

"okay the last one is Suna ." the teacher said.

The brown haired stood up, not noticing Osamu. He hadn't even realized that someone came into the classroom.

Osamu walked away from the front of the class, going to the seat next to the omega, turning his head as he looked at the view the window had.

The omega had his head down, going to the front, before bumping into something hard.

"what the fuck is there some kind of rock here" the brown haired omega thought as he looked what he bumped into.

He then noticed the gray haired alpha in front of him.

"o-oh, i'm sorry" he quickly back away.

"oh no it's fine, i should've looked where i was going, are ya hurt?" Osamu asked, looking down at the smaller male.

"u-uh no i'm fine." Suna quickly said going out of Osamu's way.

"hm, he's much cuter up close." Osamu quickly thought with a smirk as he went to the seat that was next to the omega's.

Osamu watched him closely, full attention on the boy in front of the class.

"Rintarou Suna, Omega, 17 years old, please stay away from me i guess." Suna said with a monotone voice.

Rintarou Suna, a slightly taller omega than Atsumu. He usually had an expressionless face, unless with someone he's comfortable with.

Rintarou still hasn't gotten his heats, he always came to school prepared though, just in case.

The brown hair male quickly went back to his seat, staring out the window, trying to avoid eye contact with the alpha.

"okay now that we all introduced ourselves, we won't be doing a lesson today since it's the first day, you guys can just chit-chat, behave yourselves i will be going to the office." the teacher said, heading out the room.

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