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3rd person

As the bell rings Osamu, Suna, and Komori get out of their class, going to their next class they all have.

In their class they were recently in, they were all talking getting to know each other. Komori and Osamu got along well, Komori was glad Suna was talking to someone so enthusiastically.

"we all have the same class next, Atsumu also has this period." Osamu said to them as they were walking to their class.

"that's great we all have it together! pretty sure kiyoomi has that class too." Komori said.

"he does." Suna blankly said.

"kiyoomi? who's that?" Osamu questioned.

"oh sorry, that's Sakusa, the tall guy with the curly hair we saw earlier. the one that went with your brother." Komori replied.

"oh." Osamu said with a slight frown.

As they got to the classroom Osamu opened the door for Suna and Komori.

"thanks" Suna silently said.

Komori gave him a smile.

"hey look Atsumu and Kiyoomi are already here, hey guys!!" Komori said as he walked to the table that they were at.

Suna and Osamu followed behind.

As they got to the table Suna and Komori sat down at one end of the table as Atsumu and Sakusa were already sitting at the other. (there are six seats and Sakusa and Atsumu are sitting next to each other and Suna and Komori are sitting across from them)

Osamu frowned. He silently looked at Sakusa.

"switch seats with me." He told the curly haired man.

Sakusa looked at him confused.


Osamu frowned at him.

"Atsumu come sit next to me." He said as he sat down near Suna.

The seats:

"eh? why?" Atsumu said with his brow raised

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"eh? why?" Atsumu said with his brow raised.

"cause i said so." Osamu blankly replied.

"ugh fine, you're so weird." Atsumu said as he got up from his chair and sat next to Osamu.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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