The Dark Church

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Day 1: Vampires/Monsters

**Keigo's POV**

I was sent to investigate a church with interesting rumors surrounding it. A man with glowing, enchanting blue eyes has been seen on the church grounds. He has killed any clergyman that goes near the church. Only bits and pieces have been left for the family to bury.

The bishop, of my church, sent me to stop the threat against the holy men of God. They wanted to see if it was worth training me since I was a kid. The town itself looked very plain with the church, sitting on a hill, overlooking a graveyard. I had the sudden feeling of someone watching me, with the intensity of trying to look into my soul. I had to move my blonde hair out of the way to look at the church's bell tower that sat in the center. There was a shadow standing next to the bell, and I could almost see the blue glow staring at me.

"Come on Keigo, don't be a chicken," my stomach started to growl, "even though chicken sounds really good right now."

I held my red cross necklace and muttered a quick prayer. I felt my hunger fade enough so I do not get tempted into gluttony. Then I walked up the church steps. Right before I could knock on the door, it opened to show a young nun.

"Brother Takami! We have been expecting you! Come on in!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, "I am Sister Himiko, you can call me Sister Toga. We just finished evening mass just before you came up."

There was still daylight outside and I did not see anyone walking around the village. A loud bell rang out and I could feel it vibrating through my soul.

"There goes Father Dabi calling the curfew," a scratchy voice said next to me and I turned to see a priest with scratches on his neck, " I am Father Shigaraki. I tend to the offerings."

"Are there any more priests here?" I hated how small my voice sounded but something felt wrong about this place.

"The head priest, Father Kurogiri, tends to confessions since he is old and the booth is right next to his room," Sister Toga explained, "then there is Father Atsuhiro, he does the prayers for mass."

"The younger parishioners like to call me Father Compress because they believe I compress their worries away," a voice said behind me and I jumped in fright.

The three started laughing as I held my heart because it felt like a bird trying to fly. A softer bell rang and Toga grabbed my arm to pull me to eat dinner.

Father Kurogiri eats in his room and Father Dabi keeps him company. I could not remember what we had for dinner or if we talked. The memory was missing from my mind. Afterward, Toga took me to the guest rooms.

"Please do not leave the church building at night. Wolves and other horrors are wandering the grounds," She told me with a sharp grin.

"You make it sound like demons exist outside the hearts of man."

"Oh, but they do."

I could have sworn her gold eyes glowed as she spoke. She closed the door and I waited until the whole place was silent as everyone went to bed. I slowly opened the door and started to head to the bell tower. I had a feeling that something in the shadows was following me.

Someone was watching the village as I finally reached the top of the bell tower.

"I cannot tell if you are brave or foolish," the person said with a deep voice, "all the others before went outside and perished."

The person turned around and all I could see was his glowing blue eyes. I was frozen as he walked closer to me. The strange spell was broken by a loud howl. I stumbled back, away from him, and he followed me into the moonlight.

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