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So for a whole month I will have voting open. You readers get to decide on which one of these oneshots will become a big multichapter fic!!

1) Monster AU- The Dark Church
(Votes: 0)

2) Hero School AU - Blinded Bird
(Votes: 2)

3) ATLA AU - The Lost Airbender
(Votes: 0)

4) Amnesia - Memories Not Included
(Votes: 0)

5) Coffee Shop AU - Daily Special
(Votes: 1)

6) Medieval AU - Dragon's Knight
(Votes: 1)

7) Happy Ending/ Canon fix it - Even Villains have Happy Endings
(Votes: 0)

I will try to update this often so that the votes are counted.

Dabihawks Week 2021 SFW EditionWhere stories live. Discover now