Dragon's Knight

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 *Dabi's POV* 

I let my talons click on the table as I debated what to do next. I was feeling a mixture of boredom and hunger. There was a map in front of me and I was trying to decide which kingdom to terrorize next. There was one kingdom that I have not gone to yet. Featherus, where the royalty look like angels but they are bloodthirsty like demons. I got up and decided to scout the kingdom.

I walked to the top of my tower and took off my robe. Rolling my shoulders before shifting into my full dragon form. A large black dragon with hints of purple and blue on the scales. Then I flew off to cause some terror.

I guess the kingdom was having a festival, it would be a shame if I burned it down. The people started screaming and I had to start dodging arrows. A lone knight raised his sword and started shouting at me. He looked pompous with the large red cloak behind him.

"Oh, great dragon! Come down and we will honor any requests you have!"

I landed and I got a closer look at the knight. What I thought was a cloak was actually two large red, feathered wings. He wore a helmet that kept me from seeing his face.

"Are you truly willing to complete any requests I have? Maybe I might ask for your prince or princesses head on a plate."

He sheathed his sword and took off the helmet. Golden hair and eyes that shined like a halo. How could they hold such innocence of an angel and the sharpness of a killer, I wondered to myself.

"I would gladly offer my head for my kingdom's safety."

He stayed completely still as I reached out and grabbed him with one of my claws. I expected some of the natural protests from the king or some of the people, but the area was silent. He looked sad that no one person protested this. I started to flap my wings, harder than needed, to cause heavy gusts. Finally, some knights shouted at me to stop and the knight looked hopeful again.

I ignored them and flew off with my new prey. Then, I noticed the winged king and his human wife, holding a younger boy with wings. The knight prince looked like the King but nothing like the queen.

On the way there, I saw some Rocs and I burned one while flying and held it in my mouth. I felt relaxed as I fixed both my boredom and my hunger. The knight stayed quiet for the rest of the flight until I landed on top of my tower. I dropped the food on the floor and then slowly opened my claw to free the prince.

"Oh! Thank you for taking me away from there! They were so stuffy and annoying," I was confused by how relaxed he was, "I am only a prince and knight by title only. They would not let me do anything since I was not fully royal blood. They need me to stay alive just in case something happens to my younger brother."

The prince would not stop talking and I started to shift to my other form. He turned to look at me as I put on my thin robe and he started stuttering. I had two large horns, leathery wings, and patchwork scales. My tail swished as he did a slow look down and then he stared into my eyes.

"Like what you see?" I pushed the hair out of my face and he mumbled something as he stared at my talons, "what was that?"

"Nothing!" His face was bright red as he spoke.

He followed behind me as I dragged the dinner into the tower.

*Keigo's POV*

Life in the dragon's tower was actually boring. Stories of the great dragon terror, Dabi has exceeded expectations. The only thing really terrifying about him is that he has the habit of walking around naked or with that thin robe that hides nothing. I think he likes to do that because he laughs at my panicked squawks.

Shortly after he brought me here, he brought some training dummies into his throne room. He would sit and watch as I practiced my sword fighting. After a week, my curiosity was killing me.

"Why do you let me keep my weapon? I could kill you in your sleep," I finally asked him

"Put your sword away and pick up one of the plain ones. Then strike me to find your answer."

I followed his instructions and he blocked it with his arm. The blade shattered from the contact. He gave me a playful smile that showed off his sharp teeth. I turned away from him to hide my blush.

I tried to move away and he grabbed my arm before pulling me onto his lap. His long wings fluttered and I slowly reached out to touch them. The wing moved closer as I felt the soft leather then I moved to the scales. I felt his hands touch my feathers.

A loud bang rang out and I fell off his throne. He stood up and growled as he changed forms. One of his arms was the size of me. He let out a huff of smoke before looking at me.

"I want you to be careful. I showed you that regular iron does not hurt me but certain enchantments can harm me."

A dozen knights crashed into the room and Dabi wrapped his tail around me. I recognized the crest that the knights were wearing, my own kingdom.

"I am perfectly fine, I don't need to be rescued," I told them as I waved at them.

One of the knights came up and pulled out his sword. Dabi moved me back as I saw archers readying their arrows.

"We are here under the order of the new king to erase any threats to the throne."

The sword was glowing and I grew fearful for Dabi. The rest of the knights drew their swords. Dabi roared and only a few backed off.

"Keigo is under my protection! Do not harm him!"

One of the archers shot off the arrow. I opened my wings and quickly flew to block the arrow. I fell as it embedded into my wing. I pulled out my sword and started attacking the knights alongside Dabi. The glowing blades cut into his scales but he did not react to the deep wounds. I fought them off until only one was left. It was the one that did the talking for them. I held the sword to their throat and Dabi had part of his head on my shoulder.

"Let my half brother, no, let all the kingdoms know that the dragon has his own knight and nothing will stop me from killing anyone who tries to harm him."

The knight ran off and Dabi moved away. I wiped my sword as I heard clanging behind me. I turned around as Dabi had a claw inside one of the empty suits of armor, digging around for something. I gave him a funny look as I noticed all the armor and no bodies. He shifted to his humanoid form and he walked over to me.

"What? They were perfectly good meat. Did you expect me just to waste the meal?" He started to falter and I caught him, "does your big speech mean that you want to stay here forever?"

I laughed as we stumbled into a medical room.

"Of course. You have unguarded sleeping powders and I have wings. I could have escaped anytime if I wanted to."

He laughed as I finished dressing his wounds. Then, he helped me with the arrow stuck in my wing. He lightly kissed my cheek to distract me from the pain.

After we recovered, we grew closer and closer together. Rumors of the great terrible dragon and his fallen angel spread across all the kingdoms. He started teaching protection enchantments and charms to keep me safe.

Instead of being my cage, he became my freedom.

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