Memories Not Included

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Day 4: Amnesia/ Break Up

Dabi was watching Hawks fight a group of small-time villains. He was attacking them fast, but almost too fast. Dabi saw the other villain hiding on a nearby rooftop. He shot a stream of fire but he was too late to stop the villain from shooting something out of their eyes. The villain burned away as the quirk hit Hawks in the back. Dabi jumped down, burned away the other villains, and grabbed the collapsed hero. He quickly ran off back to the league's safe house.

**Keigo's POV**

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. A cracked mirror, burned sheets, and bloody first aid kits. The door opened as I sat up. A scarred man with bright blue eyes came into the room. Something about those eyes seemed so familiar.

"I see that you are awake Red Bird, how are you feeling?"

I was confused by the nickname and then I noticed something red in the corner of my eyes. I turned and saw large red wings connected to my back.

"Those are new."

The scarred guy's eyes widen so much when I looked back at him.

"Do you remember your name?"

"Of course," I opened my mouth and nothing came to mind, "Is it normal for someone to not know their name?"

He sighed before sticking his head out of the hallway.

"Compress! You won the bet! Also, someone smack Toga for her sex pollen bet!"

"Do you know my name?" I cocked my head to the side as I asked.

"Takami Keigo."

After teaching me basic facts about the people who were also here, names and what not to do around them. He finally let me out of the room even though I could not remember his name no matter how many times he repeated it. Immediately, I saw a blond girl chase a lizard with a knife. A guy wearing a top hat and a mask waved me over to the kitchen.

"You have been asleep for two days, you must be hungry. What would you like?"

"Chicken!" I just said the first food that came to mind.

"Holy crap! He did not remember his name but he is still addicted to chicken!" The scarred man shouted and the rest of the group started laughing.

I moved my wing to cover my face and blush. He set the food down in front of me and it smelled heavenly. It took me a few moments to remember what the scarred man said Top Hat's name was.

"Thank you Atsuhiro."

He moved his mask just barely at the bottom so I could see his smile.

"At least someone appreciates my cooking." He said.

"That's because you always want to make fish!" The scarred man shouted at him, "learn to make some cold soba and I will change my tune."

After eating, I was relaxing on the couch watching the chaos. Shigaraki and Spinner were playing games against each other and Toga was sharping her knives in the corner. Jin and the scarred man walked off to go smoke. I just sat there, trying to remember the scarred man's name no matter how many times someone said it. As I was thinking, I started dozing off on the couch.

My dreams were filled with echoes of blue flames and eyes. I opened my eyes and saw the same blue eyes from my dreams. He was leaning over me and I realized I was back in his room. A name finally clicked with those eyes.

"Morning Touya."

I was not expecting his reaction as he moved away and started laughing. He laughing so hard, to the point that his staples started to rip. The group ran to investigate the noise and looked at Touya with shock.

"Big Bro Dabi is scary when happy," Toga pointed out.

"I'm suddenly reminded of a bad acid trip," Atshiro said.

Touya quickly grabbed a nearby first aid kit and started to fix his face with practiced ease. The group walked out as he was still laughing. He sat down next to me and I noticed that his roots were pure white compared to his black hair.

"It took him losing his memory for him to remember me from before."

I was confused but I guess I forgot him before. A few days later, I was bored as they had a big mission and they wanted me to stay at the base. They left me with food and games so that kept the boredom away for a while. Then, the group came back with a few missing. I was shocked seeing Touya and Shiggy's full heads of hair.

"You could have told us that you were Endeavor's kid," Toga said as they started to relax.

Something about the name Endeavor causes pain to hit me as a memory came in. Sending emails to a pen pal when I was young and training. The emails from my pen pal were full of hate of Endeavor but he would send me his merchandise because he stole his father's credit cards and he wanted to keep my smile. The pain got stronger as I remembered the emails suddenly ending and a news broadcast saying that Todoroki Touya died in a quirk accident.

I felt someone's hands grabbed my shoulders and looked up into worried blue eyes. I did the first thing that came to mind, I punched him and he fell back hard.

"That's for making me think you were dead all these years!"

He pointed to the ceiling while holding his cheek with the other. Most of the group was cheering me on while laughing at Touya.

"I take as your memory finally coming back," he swung his legs up before sitting up, "if that was your first reaction after getting your memories, I would hate to see your reactions to your next memory."

He didn't exactly hate the reaction a few days later. They were talking about spies in the hero network and another memory hit me. One where I was holding a feather to Touya's throat and the strange familiarity hit me back then. After the shock of the memory faded, I grabbed him and kissed him.

"Jin! You owe me 2000 yen!" Toga yelled as we pulled away.

"Been wanting to do that for quite a while."

"If losing your memory finally got you to kiss me. I would have bought a hammer to get it faster."

He got worried as I slowly got more memories back. But, I never got any urge to leave his side. Though he did try to playfully kill me after Jin, Spinner and I dyed our hair white to match him and Shiggy.

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